The Propostion

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"Nia, WAKE UP!" my best friend Candice practically screamed."Up..I'm up" i slurred.
"Don't you have a job interview to attend" she addressed."ahhhh damn it , your right" i shouted.
Running through the streets of Tribeca in black pumps might of not been a good idea, i mean i almost split my Black skintight skirt in front all these rich folk.As i came close to Banks & Moore company a pretty blonde girl gave me the most ugliest look " Can i help you, miss?" she hissed.She's lucky i was in a hurry and didn't bitch slap her right there;"um yes i'm here for Mr.Banks" i bugged.
"oh, he's on the 25th floor" she snarled looking down at her computer.

I sped to the elevator and made my way to the 25th floor asking yet another blonde, "Hi, i'm Nia, is there still time for the job interview? i questioned.

"Yes, sweetheart just wait right over there" she cheered. After 5 minutes she told me i could go in and wished me good luck with a wink.

I knocked ,then heard a 'come in'. As i walked in a young looking man was facing the window, "Do you have any experience with sorting papers and getting coffee or sitting through meetings of ' boring old men talking' better yet can you not bitch at petty easy to do tasks" he basically yelled.

I chuckled,"um yes?", he turned around with an angered expression at first then it softened."T-that's what's your name?" he stuttered.

"Hello, Mr. Banks, I'm Nia Parker" I said studying his perfect chielsed features. Damn he's so damn good looking. I was snapped out of my crepping staring trance by the clearing of his throat, "if its not a problem i would like you to start today" he chimed.

"Of course not that would be amazing yes yes I'm so freaking happy right now thank you so much ugh thank you thank you" i rambled and he smirked " i'm surprised you haven't tried to hit on me already".

" Do you want me too? i grinned. "No, i'm just happy your not like one of the whores throwing themselves at me" he responded."well, thank you and thank you again for the job you won't be disappointed" i boasted.
"I know i won't" he murmured.I wasn't sure if i was suppose to hear that or not so i didn't reply.

It was 7:30 when Mr. Banks' sexy self graced me with his presence to tell me i was free to go.I just nodded and headed my way out, when he stopped me.

"Nia, can i make you a proposition?" he asked with a stoic face on, so i knew he meant business."Yeah sure what is it?" i questioned." I need you to marry me" he commanded. I laughed then it hit me what he just asked me," excuse me?"

"I need you to marry me, so i can get the rest of my trust fund money from my grandmother" he sneered." Okay listen here I don't know if this is some joke or something but-" i was saying until he cut me off.

"Your not a slut, or a gold digger; your like the girl next door: beautiful, down to earth, sweet, which means your perfect for this positsion and plus i'm gonna pay you a butt load of money each month were married." he rambled, overwhelming me with each word."Can i think about it?" i asked.

"of course but i need a response by tomorrow morning" he said and dismissed me..


"CANDICE,OMG I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING" i screamed."what what " she replied running towards me as if i were hurt."The job interview wasn't for like an assistant job it was for him to choose a fake girlfriend/fiancee/wife" i was now hyperventilating.

"OMG breathe Nia, and would he pay you" she chirped with worry."Yes, but why does that matter?" i asked her stunned."You know damn well why it matters.....your mom needs treatment and however much he's paying could be enough for it" she jabbed.

" I know but I just can't, i'm basically a whore for him to show off to his family to get more money" I said on the verge of tears."Just say yes, if it doesn't work out then i'll be the one to blame"she spoke.

I bit my lip,"fine, i'll do it".


The next day i walked into his office with my head high,"Yes" i said nervously.He Looked up with glasses on with a raised eyebrow and said "Really?".I bit my lip,"Yes".

He got up and i almost passed out he was so hot.He stalked towards me and surprisingly gave me a hug, which made me giggle.

He Looked down and smiled"Thank you so much, Ms. Soon-to-be-Banks".


A\N:Hello,I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and want to continue on.Oh and Anything passed this point chapter wise is not edited i repeat Not EDITED.

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