Nieces, Siblings, & Sex.. oh my!

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Okay so there's no grapic sex scene or sex really in this chapter due to me being a pathetic virgin!😁....Oh and Happy Thanksgiving Babes🍗


"Wake up cat woman" i heard a voice rasp."John leave me alone" i said groggily.

"Who the hell is John?" shit not John."He's nobody" i said sitting up.

"Apparently he is if you said his name" he said angerily."we watched dear john last night so i guess it got to me" i said hopeing he would drop it."No we watched 'The Hobbit'" He said staring into my soul.

I got up and walked to the bathroom, but he grabbed my wrist." Who is he?" he demanded.

Gosh he was so sexy all I could do was stare at him and bit my lip.He shook me a little, directing my attention back to his question.

"He's my ex" i said looking down."Why'd you say his name when i woke you up" he demanded with anger in his eyes.

"Because he used to call me cat woman" i siad still looking down.

He lifted my chin up and leaned closer to my desperate lips."Well forget about him, we can't have a business deal with altercations such a simple slip up" he said in a business tone with anger lacing it.

"Okay....I'm sorry" i said looking at his mesmirizing eyes." Don't look at me like that" he husked.

"Like what?" i said inocently knowing what control i had on him.He looked at me with pure lust burning through his eyes.He Lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist.Oh the memories of two nights ago came tumbling through my mind.He inched closer and closer to my lips,"Did he make you pant with hunger like i do without even kissing you" he husked.

I couldn't say anything but if i did i would say no he can't do what you can do."I-I have to take a shower" i stuttered and tried to unwrap my legs from him.He wouldn't let me just gave me a light kiss on my neck and then let me go.

I ran to the bathroom and locked the door.I started the shower and hopped in without letting the water get warm.


When i got out i made sure he wasn't out there.

I put on a cute red summer dress and styled my hair with a cute headband.

I walked down stairs to meet with Bruna for breakfast, but Arran had beat me and looked me up and down, then smirked; " Good Morning baby". I smiled inoccently and walked behind him and gave him a light neck kiss like he gave me earlier.He tensed up and i chuckled,"Good morning to you to babe".

"Mr. Arran, your sister dropped off your niece Lacey" Bruna told him and a Brown headed little girl came around the corner.

"Uncle Awan!" she screamed and ran towards him in the cutest way.I gushed.

"Hey little bird" he chimed with a wide smile and picked her up.

"Who's that?" she tried to whisper."That's my Fiancee, Nia" he said looking at me with adoration.

"Oh well your really pwetty" she yelled." Thank you cutie" i gushed.

"Are you guys in love?" she asked and Arran and I tensed up.We just looked at each other, "Of course you guys do, i mean your getting married.

I feel like a monster i mean were getting married for money basically. I started to cry and i heard Arran telling lacey to play with her toys."Nia, i'm sorry-"..."No don't be i should i mean i'm using just as your using me" i said running out of breath.

"Yes, let's not forget...but we also have with attraction that we can't deny" he said hugging me.



the door bell rung almost waking up Arran and Lacey.I raced to answer it only to be greeted with a older version of Lacey but a Younger version of Arran's Grandmother.

"Hi i came to pick my daughter up" she asked with a fake smile.

"oh yeah hold on i'll go get her" i said going over to the couch and picking her gentle self.

"Here she is" I whispered with a smile."Do you work for my brother or something?" she questioned.

"or something" I whispered."I'm his Finacee" i said."Oh wow,......I really hope your not a gold digging slut...Cause if you were i would personally ruining you for hurting him and stealing his money" he said with her voice dripping of venom.

I gulped,"No never i only have the best and great intentions for your brother".

"uh huh" she said and walked out the house.


A\N: Hey guys sorry i'm trying to update as much as possible😭.No editing happened during this chapter.

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