He's a bit of a Fixer-upper

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~A week later~

Sean's been talking to his boss about hiring new people, and hinting that i should apply. "Sean no" I grumbled.

He pulled me into his chest, "Fine..." he started with a cute frown. I grabbed the back of his neck and kissed his lips softly. He groaned and pulled me close, squeezing my butt.

He pulled back," if you wanted me to shut up. All you had to do is was tell me" he chuckled kissing me again.

I pulled from him," You're gonna be late for work.......go!" I smiled.

"Okay I guess" he frowned and slumped his shoulders dramatically and left. I laughed, "Idiot".
I am a terrible mother I left Dakota at Arran's house. I needed to talk to Arran about what he said last week.

I pulled up to the house and knocked on the door. Bruna opened the door, " oh hello liebling, would you like to come in?".

"Yes thank you" I replied. "Um Mr. Arran is upstairs....but my dear he doesn't look well" Bruna stressed her head hung low.

"What's wrong with him?" I said concerned.

"He's been working from home, sleeps all the time, and rarely eats" She said.

"oh and i've been dealing with Dakota...she's a handful" she laughed a little.

"How'd you know i was gonna ask?" i asked. "You kept looking around while i was talking"

"Can i come in?" I asked. "Yes of course, dear" Bruna ushered me in.

I walked straight to Arran's room. "Arran?" i chimed. I walked further into his room, I saw passed out on the bed with his body faced up. He had a little stubble, still looked fit, Bottle in one hand and the other rested on his stomach.

I went up to him and nudged him. He stirred a little bit, "Arran please wake up right now" I yelled in his face. His eyes flew open and he gripped my arm, pulling down against him. His arms wrapped around my waist tight, while he nuzzled my neck.

"I knew you'd come back to me" he slurred. "Arran...sweetheart I wanted to talk you but obviously you are still intoxicated" I said prying his hands off me walking to the door.

"No please Nia don't leave! I need you! I need you so much you keep me sane! I love you Nia! Please stay with me" he pleaded.

My heart melted at his words, "Arran you're drunk, I'll be downstairs when you are sober and ready to talk".

I walked downstairs to find Dakota and Bruna. when I found them, Bruna was brushing Dakota's fur.

"Bruna, can I ask you a question?" I asked her.

"You just did!" She laughed. I glared at her, "Fine yes what's your question dear?".

"Should I finish this deal with Arran or stay with Sean?" I asked her.

"Oh dear, what does your heart want not what you mind is telling you, your heart my dear.....the heart is always right" she said.

I definitely didn't really believe Bruna but she is older and wiser.

"Sean makes me feel different inside , every time I see him my heart flutters and I get nervous all over again. He surprises me and excites me. Arran doesn't make me feel like that, he is almost always predictable and doesn't make me feel excited. He makes me feel like I have to take are of him, instead of love him" I ranted.

"Nia, Arran is like a son to me...He needs a little fixing but eventually he will get that he can't have because your heart belongs to another; I support you 100% because I know the type of person you are" She said with a smile reassuring smile.

"Thank you Bruna" I said and she called Dakota. I saw my little baby run around the corner all the way to me. I might just cry. I picked her up and cuddled her tightly but, obviously not to tight.

As I played with Dakota, Bruna went to make lunch and I heard footsteps come up behind me.

"Nia....you wanted to talk?" He asked, I looked at him and it looked like he showered and shave. He had a five o'clock shadow....just how I liked it.

"Um yes" I said ushering him to the couch to sit.

" I wanted to talk about what you said last week. About you know already paying for my mom's treatment" I said looking down.

"Ah of course yes I did, I did it 2 weeks after you agreed to marry me and your mom came to visit" he smiled.

"But why?" I asked. "Because I liked you and your mom was great" he said.

"Oh um so how have you been? I asked, kind of already knowing the answer.

"Not so good, I've been working less and.....drinking" he said with a ashamed look on his face.

"I'm sorry Arran, I want you to be happy....I really do..." I trailed off.

" Then be with me, help me, I promise we can work it out...jist please" he begged and I looked away.

"Arran.....You know we can't we don't work out together....please don't make this difficult" I said looking away.

"I'm not being difficult, your being stubborn....dammit look at me" he yelled.

"Arran you hit me mistreated me, so no I'm not being stubborn just because I tell you no" I yelled back.

"This was a bad idea" I said picking up Dakota and leaving out the front door.

Okay guys I've had a lot of projects and homework, so I apologize for the little hiatus I had. I will try to update more.
*Not edited*
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