UnPure Jealously

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Nia's POV

I woke up and did my morning routine then, headed to the kitchen hoping Arran wasn't
already there.

Bruna was making breakfast as I entered the kitchen so I decided to sit down on the counter next to her.

" No, no get off the counter liebling" she scolded me .

"Can I help?" I asked shyly.

She gave me a warm smile, "of course liebling".

We finished breakfast and I kind of got worried why Arran hasn't came down for breakfast.

I headed to his room and opened the door only to see a naked blonde wrapped around him. Something in me wanted to cry and the other scream and rip her ass in half.

I closed the door with ease and went to my room and sprinkled some water in my face.Its whatever if he wants herpes he can get herpes from that SKANK.

I went downstairs and started to munch on the big breakfast Bruna and I had made.

Arran finally came downstairs along with last nights endeavor.

"Good morning Arran" Bruna strained.

"Yes, Good morning Bruna.....Nia"
He greeted with a slight nod to me.

"Mr. Banks" I smiled widely and continued to eat.

"Hi, I'm Nia" i greeted his whore.

"Hey I'm Chasity" she squeaked annoyingly.

"Wow that's really pretty doesn't it mean purity?" I questioned sarcastically.

"Yeah" she smiled." Well for a name like that you sure aren't pure I mean your parents probably have you that name with the intentions of you waiting until marriage to have sex" I said fake pouting at her.

"Um I guess" she croaked as if she was about to cry. Go ahead cry bitch I don't care.

"Well why don't you stay for breakfast" I smirked.

"No she can't" Arran said quickly.

"Well of course she can.....sit prostituierte" Bruna grinned.

I'm definitely not fluent in German but I'm pretty sure she called Chasity a prostitute. I giggled.

Arran glared at Bruna and I; We just smirked.

When everyone finished breakfast, Arran led his plaything outside.

When he came back inside with his sexy glasses and hung low sweatpants, he smirked.

"I had a phenomenal night, what about Bruna" Arran asked Bruna but looked at me.

I wanted to punch his smug self square in the face.

"Arran, I'm very upset with you. Why in the world would you bring some girl here knowing you have made a commitment to Miss Nia, even though it is only for money. Your lucky I love you jungen or else I would tell your grandmother." Bruna ranted.

I just sat there smug as a bug, looking at Arran's shocked face.

"I-I...please don't tell my grandma" he pleaded.

"Apologize" Bruna scolded.

Arran turned to me and gritted his teeth," Sorry Ms. Parker".

"Yeah whatever" I said not really paying attention.

My phone started ringing, when I picked it up I already knew who it was:

"Nia, listen please I'm sorry"
"I'm sorry who is this?"
"Nia don't be childish"
"Humor me"
"Candice, its Candice"
"Oh that bitch"
"It recently happened, he didn't cheat on you with me.. I promise"
"I don't care...you were my best friend and now your just some slut he's screwing..byee"

I hung up not caring anymore.

"Quite the convo you were having there" Arran said.

"Bite me" I hissed.

"You were acting pretty jealous at breakfast" he grinned.

"There was nothing to be jealous of" I said not making eye contact with him.

"Of course there is.....My hands touched all over her, our bodies grinding and pressing together, my lips on hers and every inch of her......i was banging her into the next century, I'm surprised you didn't wake up she was a screamer." he winked and walked away.

I wanted to hurt him so much right then. I needed to clear my head of Arran, Bitch ass Candice, and Dick head John.

They all hurt me and even though I need Arran's money for my mom; I can't help but think is it worth it anymore.


A\N: Arran in those glasses of his😉💋sorry if this chapter sucks and poor Nia😭.
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