A Puppy and Brunch!

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Arran texted me that he had to go to the office and that he left me his black credit card so i could go shopping. How sweet.


I walked around , when i stumbled upon a cute pet shop. I looked through the window and saw the cutest brown poodle puppy. I almost died. I walked in and got him for a discount due to the hormonal teenage who stared at my boobs like the whole time.


I did a little more shopping after that but got to scared for my little baby that was in the car.

I walked through the door with my baby and it little outfit and accessories that i bought. Okay so i went a little bit over board with the outfit but she looked so darn cute in it. I had to think of a name so i started calling random names until i said Dakota, she really liked that one, I smiled.

Dakota ran off so i decided to hurry and throw my clothing bags in my room and search for that little cutie.

" AHHHHHHHHHH BRUNA CALL ANIMAL CONTROL THERES A THING RUNNING AROUND" I heard Arran's little high pitched screaming and yelling. I ran downstairs and went to go get Dakota.

"Dakota, come here" i yelled. She came running towards me and i picked her up.

"Okay what the hell Nia!?" Arran yelled.

I smiled, " Arran this is Dakota, Dakota this is Arran".

"Why is 'Dakota' even in my house ?"

"Oh honey don't you mean our house" I grinned.

He gritted his teeth, " I don't like rodents".

"Well honey I saw this little baby and had to get her" I said with much sarcasism.

"With who's money" he asked obviously frustrated. "Yours, but I got a discount" I smiled.

He sighed, "Nia your going to take back this thing".

"Do you also want me to throw out the lingerie I bought for our wedding night" I said giving him a seductive smile.

He looked at me and suddenly something flickered in his eyes,
"Put them on for me then, my little minx" he husked.

Shit shit shit noooooo.

"Um...you just have to wait until our wedding night" I said.

"Mmmmm but I can't, I promise not to touch" he winked and stalked towards me.

"Ummmm no I need to feed m-my puppy" I stuttered.

My damn plan of distraction backlashed. Damn it I hated him for hurting me, but he was just so damn good looking and knew what to say.

I stumbled off to my room hearing his laugh. Asshole.


I was playing with Dakota, When i heard feminie giggles and peoples voices.

What the fudge nugget.

I saw people walking in with beer and drinks.I searched the crowd from upstairs for Arran when i found him, Chasity was clinging on to him for dear life.

Fuck him and his Damn party.


A\N: Hello my beauties I wanted to give y'all a little update and I will plan to update tomorrow for Christmas🎅😉
⚠️Not Edited⚠️
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