MOM & Big Arran!

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There was a knock at the door the next morning around what seemed like 2 in the damn morning! I decided to be the 'Morning' person i am and get the door.I opened the door with an attitude and was about to give this person an earful-"MOM!".

"I heard you were engaged" she said short of breath."Mom, you shouldn't be here, you need to rest" i whispered pulling her into the house."Candice told me...about you finding a how come you didn't come by an-and" she scolded and made me flinched at her struggle.

"Nia,Sweetheart what's wrong?" Arran rasped as he came around the corner with just boxers.

"Arran my mother is here" I told him.He straightened up real quick,"Oh excuse my dress wear but i'm the lucky guy to capture your beautiful daughter's heart".

"What a charmer, i'm Katherine" she said dragging her oxygen tank behind her to shake his hand. Arran jogged to meet her hand."I'm Arran and nice to meet you finally" he said looking at me for the last part and helped her to the couch.

" did you drive all the way from new mexico?" i asked her guilt rising up inside of me."Of course not i took a plane thanks to that 'John' boy" she said and i instantly tensed up.

I gritted my teeth,"Why didn't you ask me for the plane ticket money?".

"I wanted to surprise you and i still had his number from 2 years ago" she calmly said. "Well you're welcome to stay we have more than enough rooms for you to stay in" Arran said to my mom looking at me.

After my mom got settled in, I started to walked to my room before Arran grabbed my hand.

"What the hell? Arran whisper-yelled."You didn't tell your mom and if i don't wanna hear the name 'John' again" he whisper-yelled again.

"I'm sorry I forgot to mention it and I just didn't want to stress her out" i whispered. I tried to walk away again but he caught me again."What?" I whisper-yelled.

"You're sleeping with me until your mother leaves" he demanded and leaded me to his room.

His room was gigantic, i looked around with awe until i heard th clearing of Arran's throat.

He was in bed lifting the one side the cover,"scared?" he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and got in, "Nope".He pulled me closer facing him, I smiled and he just chuckled.


I woke up with a warm sexy Arran under me. He looked so peaceful, and sexy."You know its rude to stare" he rasped pulling me closer and i blushed hiding my face in his neck.

"Arran....can you tell little Arran to go away" i giggled.He blushed and apologized.

After we took our showers separate might i add.We headed down stairs for breakfast.

Arran sat down and my mom appeared with her oxygen tank."Good morning NeNe" she greeted me and gave Arran a nod.

"Good morning Katherine, i hope you slept well" he said."Like a baby...its been years since i've actually had a goodnights rest" she smiled."Well i'm glad to hear that" he gave her a million dollar smile.

"So,When the wedding?"she asked eating."Next month, the day hasn't been decided." he told her.

"Well thats great, Nia sweetie you've been quiet this morning" my mother scolded me.

"I'm just tired" i told her."Oh is Arran keeping you up" she smirked and gave Arran a wink.

I choked on orange juice,"Ma!".

"What? like i can't tell you guys have been going at it, i mean y'all look at each other like y'all getting ready to jump each others bones".

Arran laughed,"Nia's just insatiable and with my stamina she just can't get enough" he smirked looking at me.

Glaring at him,"Shut up...... you big goof".Man if my mom didn't look at me mid way though my sentence.


After breakfast we went to his room to get ready for site seeing for my mom.Ugh!.

"Damn it i forgot my clothes in my room be right back sweetie poo" i winked at Arran and skipped to my room.

I barged into the room and boy was i in for a huge and i mean massive surprise."OH MY GOD! I'M SORRY! ASJDFSDFJKLHK" i screamed.Arran Banks just flashed me...i can't breathe!

"I'm decent Nia" he said with an amused tone.

I walked in slow and saw him looking all smug and sexy putting his watch on.

"You're truly dramatic you know that right" he said smiling.I blushed,"I'm sorry I should of knocked".

I didn't realise he was so close until he gave me a light smack on the butt and then a hug.

"You two are just too cute" my mother beamed with a heart-wrenching smile.


A\N:Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.BTW not edited.

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