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-1 year later-

I love Greece, it's so beautiful; the men are hot....and so are the woman not going to lie. My mom and I bought a simple Grecian home along the coast. I got my teaching degree so I teach English and French to small children, while my mom teaches English to adults who never learned.

We like it here better then America, there's little to no drama. Though Greece is in really bad debt, it makes up for it having tourist always being here. I've talked to Bruna, and asked how Arran was doing; from what she's told me me he's doing great, the business is growing. A part of me misses him, a lot. I haven't talked to Sean at all since I caught him his compromising position.

I just home started ring, "Hello?"

"Nia, its um Arran" I heard his deep voice I was almost unfamiliar with.

"Hey" I said softly, "How have you been? I mean I already know but you can tell me anyway....arrgh I'm rambling" I mentally slapped myself.

I heard his deep chuckle, "I miss your rambling..i mean of course I miss you too.....". There was a pregnant pause until he continued. "So how's your mom been?" He asked.

"She's been good, we've enjoyed it here...You know if you and Bruna ever get a break you guys should visit. You'd both love it." I beamed through the phone. "That would be nice, just tell us when and we'll be there" he said.

"How about Saturday and you guys can leave whenever..." I told him with eagerness.

"A little eager are we" he said huskily and I shivered.

"No just my mom and I are excited to see you guys" I said nonchalantly.

"Mmmhmm...I think us hashing things out would be great since we didn't end on such a good note" he said.

"Yeah we left off on boiled water.....i just want you to know I forgive you and I hope you forgive me" I stressed.

"Of course I forgive you and I happy you forgive me....sorry to cut this shirt but I have some work to do, I'll call you later" he said. "Okay bye Arran" I said kind of bummed out.

"Bye Nia"
"Nia is everything ready for when Arran and Bruna get here?" My mom yelled from the kitchen. "Yes" I yelled back. "Nia you look fine....this changing of outfits doesn't have to do with Arran, does it?" She raised her eyebrows. "No I just feel like I've worn all this stuff before" I lied.

"Mmhm" she said walking back to the kitchen.

I decided on a cute red casual Grecian dress; did my hair wavy and minimal makeup.

Then we heard the door bell ring. I got it mom I said trying to put in my silver sandals and jog at the same time.

I opened the door to Arran and Bruna. Bruna looked older, while Arran had a five o'clock shadow that made me want to rub my face against it. His hair was longer, it shaped his face perfectly; his dress slacks with just his white dress shirt that showed his muscles.

I knew was blushing but didn't feel like hiding it. I smiled and ushered them in with there luggage. As soon as they were inside, I gave Bruna a hug and she gave me a knowing smile.

Arran was putting his suit jacket across our couch, I gripped his arm, turning him around and pulling him into a tight hug. I could feel his muscles, and he smelled like leather. I had to but my lip to stifle a small moan.

We held each other for awhile, until we heard Bruna clear her throat.

We pulled from each other, but our hands still touching. The moment felt so surreal, I was happy to see him. I got on my tip toes and gave him a peck on the corners of his lips.

He blushed, "Nia do you mind showing me where my room is?".

"Sure" I smiled. We walked to the end of the hall to the secluded guest room/house. I opened the door for him to roll his bag in. I must if not been paying attention because I felt my back hitting the bed; Arran quickly closed the space between me and him. "I've missed you so damn much, Nia" he rasped whilst nipping at my neck.

"I missed you too" I moaned. He then kissed my lips with so much passion and eagerness. We eventually pulled back from each other; panting and staring at each other.

I felt like a teenager and I started to burst into a fit of giggles. Arran just stared at me, "Gosh you're so damn beautiful". I but my lip; pecked him in the lips and pushed him off.

We went back to the living room to see Bruna and my mom laughing. "What are you guys talking my about?" I asked them. "The two of you" they said.

Arran and I looked at each other with giant grins on our faces.
(A|N: I'm going to go ahead and skip to the next 10 months or so. That being said Nia and Arran made up and wanted to try a real no contract or money relationship.)

"Easton!" I squealed. "Please baby I really like the name".

"You really like it don't you" he smirked. "yes I do please" I said nuzzling his neck.

"Fine but I get to name our next baby" he said. "Slow down mister let's wait for this one to at least be 1 or 2 years old" I scolded him. "Alright but I love seeing you...all plump and glowing" he smiled while rubbing my stomach.

"Well as much as I love that I'm having your baby.. I don't like morning sickness or being fat" I frowned.

"I'm happy, we worked out though" I confessed and kissed him. "Me too" he said.
Omfg once again I want to thank everyone for taking the time to read my book and I love y'all smooches.
Also read the next authors note it's very important.

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