Not Really

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I'm so stupid how could i forgive him so damn fast i should of had him beg until he lost his voice.

"Arran..." i pushed him a little, "I forgive you but don't think i won't bring this up and ruin you." i said.

"um...what i mean i apologized" he stuttered.

"Yeah i know i was there but its just you did say terrrible things to me and as soon as were married and the years up i will be done with you" i said not really regretting it.

"why?" he asked."As if you don't know, this is all for money....the root of all evil, i need the money for my mom and you need the money for...more money which is quite snobby but its whatever.The connection we have is just lust due to my practice of abstience and you not being able to think with out your second head" i said surprised i even could say that without puking.

"Fine we get married tomorrow" and with that he left looking tense.


i woke up to a loud banging,"Wake up Nia the dress is here" Arran yelled through the door.

I got up and a buch of women were standing there with a long white dress, make-up bag, and a hair crate." um sorry i- um come in" I said letting them in and they hurried in setting everything up.

"Take a shower and we'll do the rest" one woman sneered."Okay" i hesitated."Chop chop we don't have all day miss-soon-to-be Banks" another woman yelled. I stripped quickly and jumped in the shower.

When i got out a woman grabbed some lotion and i was quick to stop her when she stalked toward me with some in her hand; " um i can lather myself".

"Don't be ridiculous, you and I have the same parts" she laughed while the other woman just gave me stank faces.

I hesitated ugh whatever she right,"I guess". She grinned and lathered me up and the lotion smelled so good like sexy if it had a smell.


When lotion lady was done a woman came up to me with a very skimpy and white lace lingerie top and bottom with stockings and a garter belt.

I looked hot and smelled like it too.I sat down in a chair in front of my huge mirror and one woman started on my hair while others did my nails and make-up.

When they finished i looked amazing ive never felt this beautiful.They helped me put the dress on which made me so giddy inside and they looked at me with astonishment


I heard a knock on the door and replied with a simple come in.

Arran came in looking just so yummy and it made my heart skip a beat."I just wanted to check on you, but you seem to have been taking care of" he said with a small smile playing on his pink lips.

"You look extremely handsome Mr. Banks" i chuckled a little."Thank you and You look extremely beautiful as usual" he said with a warm smile.

I felt flushed and nodded.He laughed and walked out.


I stood inside the house and waited for my cue but i sneaaked a peek outside and it was crowded and the back yard was completely transmormed to a beautiful scene for a wedding.

The music played and Mr. Banks stood by my side and guided us outside and evryone stood up and smiled.

I saw my mom a couple of people i use to work with and some of his friends but what stood out was my mom looking so graceful and relaxed.I smiled at her and she winked, from the corner of my eye i saw candice and frowned.

"Hey smile darling today is your day and nobody elses" he whispered in my ear and i couldnt help but smile again.He laughed and we finally made it to end and all my brides mates were my sisters who i havent seen in years.

A tear fell and Arran reached for my hands and gave them a reassuring squeeze.

After the priest did the blah blah i was quick to say i do and kiss him.It kind of confused me on how I could hate him but forgive him but then hate him again but want to kiss him.

I zoned out so bad that i didn't even hear the priest say,"You may the kiss the bride".Arran pulled me in to a soft yet sensual kiss and we walked into the house while people cheered.

When we made it inside Arran let go of my hand and fell to the couch and i stood there confused." I decided not to have a reception...we can just hang out here or go to out for dinner" he said softly from the couch.

"Okay" i said looking down at my beautiful gown and headed upstairs.

"Hey Nia, I bought you a dress for dinner if you wanted to go" he yelled from the couch.

I went up to my room slipped off the dress and beautiful unused lingerie and put on some sweats and a t-shirt and fell into a slumber.

"Nia wake up and get dressed you need to eat" Arran whispered near my ear.

"No i'm good i can eat something here" i rasped not looking at him.

"whats wrong with you?" Arran asked.

"I'm tired okay its been quite the day" I said raising my left hand up to show him my ring finger.

I felt the bed dip and my white lacy underwear dropped on my face and a small laugh.

"could you not and get off my bed...please" I said wanting to nap.

"Are you gonna take a nap?" he asked.

"yes now leave me alone" i said

"Fine" he said and kissed me lightly in the cheek and left.

I wiped my cheek and fell asleep again.

A\N: hey guys sorry for late update
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