Me casa no es tu casa!

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Adrenaline was pumping through me, i deserved the real thing. I ran a block from the building, i needed to breathe and think less about my self for now and think of my mom.

Then a white 2014 Audi A6 pulled up next to me, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out it was probably Arran.

"Nia,get in the car right now" he demanded.

"Excuse me, you can't just go demanding me around" i snapped.

"Get in the damn car or i'll make you" he rasped.

"Empty threats, much" i hissed and continued walking.Then all the sudden two strong arms grabbed me by the hips, and sent a sensual shiver down my spine."I said to get in the damn car" Arran huskily said near my ear.I felt myself lifting off the ground and squealed.

After he threw me in his car and buckled me in, like i was a child; we sat in very uncomfortable silence.

"Where are we going?" i asked."To my..our house" he said lowly."I'm not going to live with you..." I mumbled.

"Yes, if this arrangement is gonna work; people have to believe we 'love' each other" he argued.

"Fine" i murmured.

"For Gods sakes Nia speak up!" he yelled."I said FINE!" i yelled back matching his fustration.

Luckily, we pulled up to what i would consider a castle.When we walked in he told me where i was staying and disappeared to who knows where.

As I walked in I nearly fainted, it was so beautiful, deatailed, and well organized.I decided to take a shower and do my nightly routine and jump in my pajamas; which happened to be a tank top and underwear.Then it hit me why did he have this room filled with womens clothes, i mean he said he lived alone.Whatever.

'knock knock'


"I'm coming in" he piped.


"I wanted to apologi..." he half way said while eyeing me up and down."You should really ya.. know change" he huskily said scratching the back of his neck .

"I'm sorry, i didn't think you would come over here not like you shouldn't i mean it's your house and everything..." i rambled nervously.

"Nia, beautiful please shut up" he chuckled."yeah what did you want" i questioned looking at my feet.Gosh he makes me feel nervous.His soft hand lifted my chin,wait when did he get closer to me."I wanted to say i was wrong for yelling at you...and for that i'm.. ya know sorry" he exclaimed looking in to my Chocolate brown eyes.THOSE EFFIN EYES AND LIPS, KISS ME.

He leaned in and i closed my eyes waiting for him to take my breathe way ; i felt his lips...on my CHEEK.By the time i opened my eyes he was smirking like an ass.

"Did you want me to kiss you on those luscious lips of yours" he smirked." No i just was ya know so touched my your apology that i didn't want an accidental tear to fall" i rambled.God i have to stop that.

He chuckled," Okay...goodnight,tomorrow we're meeting my parents and grandparents".

"AWESOME" i beamed loudly.


A\N: Thank you guys so much for the feedback and votes,Keep it up.I'll try my hardest to update as soon as maybe friday but that's alittle far fetched...soooooo Saturday.VOTE & COMMENT.Also nothing chapter wise is edited from the previous chapters to future chapters.LOVE Y'ALL LOTS!!!!!!!

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