Chapter 1

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I woke up to my alarm blaring. I got up and turned it off. I went into the bathroom and showered then got dressed for the day. My father said we had a special meeting today because I turn 22 soon. My family isn't your typical billionaire family. My father is the head leader of the scariest and dangerous Mafia group. It's being passed down to me very soon and I'm ready. I own Y/L/N industry and few other places. My father participates in these sellings of these women that or family's that are in debt but I don't.. that shits weird to me. There was one last night but I didn't go. I grabbed my keys to my lambo and headed out.


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I walked into my office and my assistant came in.

" Good Morning Ms.Y/L/N" she said bringing me my daily breakfast.

" Good morning Naomi" i said opening my laptop.

" You have a meeting in a few minutes another one at 12, 3, and a meeting with your father at 6" she said.

" Okay thank you" I said with a smile.

" No problem" she said running her hand down my arm and walking away.

" Hoe" i mumbled as she walked out.

I started typing a few things up and closed my laptop. I picked it up and started to head to the meeting room.

" Another day of pure bullshit here we come" I said.

Time Skip

" Where's my money" i said hitting Leo again.

" I'm gonna- I can get it just give me a-" I didn't even let him finish before I hit him again.

" I'm done giving you time. You had enough of that" I said pulling my gun out.

" Please d-" I shot him between his eyes and put the gun down. I looked into the corner and saw the camera move which meant my dad was watching. I saluted at the camera and put the gun away. I checked my watch to see it's about 5:50pm and I have to get to his place.

Apparently the meeting is so special it's at the mafia house. I cleaned my hands off and looked at the crew.

" Clean this up Now and I want you all back at the house when your done" i said.

" Yes boss" they said.

I turned around and walked away. I walked out the building and got in my car. I started it and started to head towards the house. My phone started ringing seeing my fathers name pop up I answered it.

" Hey dad" i said as his face came up.

" My favorite child how are you" he asked.

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