Chapter 6

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We pulled up to the warehouse and I turned to Normani before we got out.

" if this gets too crazy for you let me know" i said. She just nodded her head.

I got out the car and walked to Normani's side and opened the door. She got out and we locked hands heading into the building. When we walked in I saw some of the workers looking at her like she was a piece of meat. I felt like shooting the next person that I seen looking at her like that. I turned to Rico and he handed me my gun. I looked around and saw one of the new recruits that I ain't get to meet yet coming up to us.

" Hey shawty. Why don't you come party with us then we can bring you to the boss" he said with a smirk.

I looked at him like he was plain stupid.

" No I'm good" Normani said.

" come on sweetheart" he said going to touch her and I aimed the gun at stomach and shot him twice. He was still breathing but he yelled in pain.

" Touch my girl like that again and I'll kill you" i said.

" The boss ain't gonna like you shot me" he said with a smirk.

" I am the boss idiot" i said getting up. " Aye someone take care of this Nigga" i said rolling my eyes. I grabbed Normani's hand again and we walked to Roman who watched the whole thing go down.

" Y/n did you really have to shoot him.. Twice"

" Yes I did Now how much did they take" I said.

" So far 14K" he said.

My eyes widened.

" You let them take 14K... is that how many times I'm gonna have to cut your ass" i said looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

" No.. We got a little bit of info out of the guy but he's definitely holding out on us" he said.

" Not for long bring my supplies downstairs. It's about to get messy" i said with a sly smile.

He nodded and took off. I turned back to Normani and she looked nervous.

" you want to come with me or go in my office" i said.

" um which one do you prefer me to go to" she asked.

" My office. You can still watch me from there and at anytime you can turn it off and do something else" i said walking towards it.

We walked upstairs into my office and I unlocked the door and walked in. I closed it and let her explore it.

" Your office is.. Nice"

" Thank you... but if you want you can sit over here" I said pointing at my seat that I usually sit in. She walked over to me and sat down in it.

" Ooh I feel powerful" she said.

I chuckled and smiled at her.

" No one sits in this seat besides me so feel lucky" I said and kissed the side of her head.

" mmh we I been felt lucky after our first deep talk" she said looking at me.

" Just wait on it you'll feel luckier in the future" i said taking my blazer off and giving it to her.

She smelled it then put it on.

" your smell is intoxicating" she said sniffing my blazer again.

" Is that why your always in my bed instead of your own" i said.

" Maybe" she mumbled.

" Well I'm not complaining but I have to go Rico will be outside the door if you need him. Hit that button for the camera.. Actually I'll just do it for you" i said pushing the button. A device popped up out of the desk and normani looked shook. I laughed at her reaction and put it to the camera in the room the guy was in.

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