Chapter 12

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I sat there staring at my ceiling. I couldn't sleep knowing what Normani was going through now that's she's back with Arin. I sighed and picked up my phone and looked at the time. 3:47am

" Great" i mumbled.

I got up and walked out of my room and into the room Normani was initially staying in. It still smelled like her perfume and her in general. It was killing me. I was in a long thought before I left the room and got my phone. I called Rico and after a few rings he picked up the phone.

" What's up boss" he said yawning.

" Get Roman and a few others up.. We got business to handle" i said then hung up.

Time Skip

" Boss are you sure you want to do this" Rico asked.

" I'm positive... This is for sure gonna break the peace but I'm not sitting around and letting this happen especially to her. We do this quietly take out anyone who gets in our way.... Everyone have their silencers on" i asked pulling my pistol out.

They nodded.

" Let's go" i said going through the open door in the back.

We creeped passed the kitchen but stopped when we heard talking in the living room.

" Yeah you should've seen her face while I was forcing her to take it just thinking about it makes me want to go back down there and give it to her all over again"

" Yeah well your after me pal"

I clenched my jaw and closed my eyes to take a breath to try and calm down but it didn't work. I felt another side of me come alive.. I signaled them to stay still and I walked into the living room. I shot two of the guys in the head and let the last guy who was chilling there live. I walked up to him with a evil grin. He looked scared for his life.

" Where's the girl you guys where talking about at right now" i asked.

" Upstairs" he said lying.

I put the gun to his area and took the safety off. He gulped and his eyes widened.

" I'm gonna ask you one last time where is she at" i said lowly.

" Downstairs in the basement she's in a room" he said quickly.

" Good... Good.. Now take me too her now" i said pulling him up and pushing him. He tried to take off as I did that but Rico stepped out from the darkness.

" Wrong move" he said hitting him then dragging him back to me.

" I'm sorry please don't kill me" he begged.

" Take me to her and I'll think about it" i said lying.

He nodded and guided down to the basement. As we got closer to where she was I heard her cries and a mans voice.

" Mmmh take that" echoed throughout the hallway we walked down.

" What type of basement is this" I heard Roman mumble.

The cries got louder and as we stopped in front of this steel door.

" make it known that it you just coming in to have some 'fun' " i said putting the gun to his head.

" Hey cliff it's me I'm coming in to double the fun" he said.

" Aww yeah come on in buddy" he grunted out.

As he touched the door i shot him in the head. Rico opened the door and I dragged his lifeless body into the room then threw him on the ground.

" Hey cam- What the fuck who are you" the guy said jumping up. I punched him and he fell back to the ground.

" hold him" i growled and they did. I took the jacket I had on off and covered Normani's body. She must of passed out but she was shivering.

" Did you enjoy doing this to her" i growled out not
Looking up yet.

" Yeah I did because all she is, is a little slut who deserves everything she's gotten handed to her. Her pleas for us to stop his music to my ea-" i didn't want to hear anymore so I slit his throat and watched him slowly die.

" Clothes" i said and Roman handed me the bag. " All of you but Rico get to the car NOW" i growled.

Everyone took off out the room. I removed my jacket from her and saw all the Bruises she had on her body. I quickly got the clothes on her and lifted her off the ground.

" Guide me out of her big man" i said looking at Rico.

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