Chapter 3

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I woke up to my alarm going off. I have a really busy day today. I turned it off with my free hand and looked down at the girl on top of me. We talked about a lot last night and I got to know a lot about her. I needed to know if she was okay with going to this dinner tonight. Ill ask her before I leave. I get her from on top of me and go into the bathroom. I do my business and get dressed. I walked out fixing myself to see the chocolate beauty up on her phone.

" Hey" my voice rasped out because it was the first conversation of the morning. She looked at me and smiled.

" Hi.. Are you leaving already" she asked.

" Yeah today I have to be at the office and later I might have to kill a few people" i told her honestly.

" Well I can have a bath ready for you so when you come in y-"

" Tonight I can't with a bath I have a dinner to go to" i said walking to the mirror and fixing myself.

" Oh" was all she said.

" Would you like to come" I asked.

" You want me to go with you..."

" Uh yeah why wouldn't I" I asked turning around.

" Because anytime they had dinners they wouldn't bring me.. They brought someone who was prettier than me" she said with her head down.

I felt bad. I sighed and walked over to her. I gently lifted her head up.

" Your coming with me. You can pick the color scheme and everything and I'll match you tonight " i said looking into her eyes. She scanned my face and I guess she believed me because she brought me into a hug.

I sat my hand on the upper part of her back and when when we pulled away our faces were very close to each other.

" Thank you" she said.

" it's really no problem" I said.

She leaned in and placed a kiss very close to my lips then pulled away fully and laid down. I chuckled and walked over and got my key and phone.

" Um am I allowed to text you while you're working" she asked.

" Yes but I'll see you later because I have to go" i said walking over and kissing her forehead then going out the door.

Time Skip

I as doing some paper work when I got a text. I looked at it, it was from Normani.

From Normani
Hi um I was wondering if I could go see a old friend.

To Normani
Yes go ahead. Do you need Rico to go with you?

From Normani
No we grew up together so she wouldn't do anything to me.

To Normani
Okay but check in with me so I know your okay. I have to go need to finish this paper work. See you back at home

I put my phone down and continued to sign paper work and stuff. I already knew after the dinner I would have to finish all this later. I sighed and read through a new stack of papers. I heard a knock at the door and Naomi walked in.

" Ms. Y/L/N you have a meeting in 2 minutes" she said standing there. I groaned.

" Okay thank you for reminding me" I said putting everything away. She walked out of my office. I put everything in a brief case and walked out to head to the meeting.

Time Skip

I walked into the house tired and exhausted. I walked into the room and threw down the brief case with all my papers in it and flopped on the empty bed. I got comfortable and immediately started falling asleep.

I woke up to someone touching my face. I opened my eyes to see Normani.

" You look tired are you sure you want to go to that dinner" she asked looking at me concerned.

"I'm the Big guys daughter I have to" I said getting up and sitting at the edge of the bed.

She walked over and stood between my legs. I laid my head on her torso and she just played with my hair.

" How was going out" I asked.

" It was fun to see her again.. I want you two to meet whenever your free" she said kinda unsure.

" Okay I'm down" i said.

" okay good" she said.

We stayed like that for a few minutes when my phone started going off. I groaned and pulled away from Normani and grabbed my phone out my pocket. I saw Romans name pop up. I answered it.

" What" i said through the grit of my teeth.

" Your father told me to tell you, you must bring the girl" he said.

" That was the plan and she's staying by my side the whole night so let one of you try anything I will kindly blow your dick off and feed you the Lions understood" i growled out not knowing where this very overprotecting side came from.

" Yes boss understood" I heard him gulp.

" Good now get off my phone" i said hanging up and tossing it somewhere.

I put my head back on her stomach and she went back to playing with my hair.

" What was... What was that about" she asked with fear evident in her voice.

" My father wants me to bring you and obviously I am already but I had to make sure my people make it known something happens to you. They all will have a painful death" i said with a chuckle at the end.

She hummed and Didn't say anything after.

" Well I should start getting dressed right" she said pulling away from me.

" Mhm what color am I putting on" I asked.

" Black" she said grabbing a towel.

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