Chapter 11

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It's been a few weeks since the whole Normani thing and I don't like it what so ever. I want her back here with me and not with him.

My father is forcing me to attend a meeting and Arins gonna be there. I might just blow his face off for the fun of it but I'll be civil for now.

I arrived at the place and got out the car. I decided to take Roman as my plus one just in case I get violent. We walk in the building and go straight to the top floor.

We head to where all the big bosses are and I see Arin. He looks at me with a proud smirk and throws his arm over the person next to him. I look and see it's normani with her head down.

" Y/n ah your here. Your father just went to go get something to drink" Henry my fathers long time friend said.

" Well if he's here then why am I here" I growled.

" To give you a break of all the death and working hard you've been doing my child" my father said coming from behind me wrapping my arm around me.

" Well father no offense but I would rather continue doing my job then be here" i said lowly.

" Nonsense my child go out and party and go find you another girl because you've been very angry lately I've been hearing" he said patting my shoulder and walking to his seat laughing.

I looked around and spotted a bar.

" I need a drink" i mumbled walking over to it.

I seen the bartender was one of my dads old workers.

" Mike what's up" I said sitting down with a small smile.

" Hey y/n long time aye, You want your usual" he asked throwing the rag over his shoulder.

" Yes please" I said with a sigh.

My father is an ass for this

Mike brought my drink over and immediately downed it. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows.

" Rough day" he asked.

" Try a rough few weeks" i mumbled.

" I'm gonna make some more of those for you I'll be back" he said.

And he did just that and each one he handed me I downed each shot. I felt the affects of the alcohol kick in and I let out a breath. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see Roman.

" What" i said.

" Go to the bathroom your lady wants you" he said.

" I don't have no lady remember" I said swirling my drink a bit.

" Y/n just go to the bathroom" he said aggravated.

I chuckled and downed the rest of my drink and threw a $100 bill on the table. I got up and searched for the bathroom. When I finally found it I went to push the door but it wouldn't open. I knocked on it and I didn't get a answer.

" Normani open the door" i slurred kind of.

After a few seconds the door opened and I was pulled in. She shut and locked it before throwing her arms around me. She let out a sob and that sobered my ass up.

" Hey.. what's wrong" I asked. I tried to pull her back a bit so I could see her face but she wouldn't let me.

" Normani what's g- did he do this" I asked as she slowly looked up to see a few bruises on her face and a busted lip.

She slowly nodded and I sighed. This is why he's been only allowing her to voice call me.

" Him and his friends... They take turns" she said quietly.

" This is my fault I should've just went with my plan from the beginning... I should've never let you talk me into giving you back" i said pacing back and forth.

" I thought this would help you keep the peace between both of your gangs" she mumbled.

" Looking at you right now it's not helping it.. it's burning the ties and the papers that's keeping us civil towards each other" i said looking at her.

A tear dropped from her eye as she looked down. I walked up to her and I lifted my hand and she flinched immediately and apologized. My face softened completely and I cupped her cheek.

" I didn't.. I'm sorry" she said not looking at me.

" Your fine Normani you know I would never put my hands on you like that" i said. My phone went off and I took it out. Roman texted me. I sighed as I read it.

" Listen I have to go but I'll see you again real soon okay" i said. She nodded.

I slowly lifted her chin so she could look at me and I smashed our lips together. It was a slow and passionate kiss. I pulled away and kissed her forehead.

" real soon" i mumbled against it then pulled away.

I unlocked the door and walked out of it going towards Roman so we could leave and handle our little situation back at the warehouse.

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