Chapter 4

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We were sitting in the car on our way to the place. She had my hand and was playing with my fingers while I was doing business on my phone.

" Your.. Your not gonna leave me tonight right" she asked.

I looked away from my phone and stared at her.

" Why would I do that Normani" I asked.

" Just in case you see a prettier girl.. You basically have to bring me because your father bought me from my family" she said.

"I'm not going anywhere okay. I might have to step away to do business but that's the only time we will be apart... And stop talking down on yourself so much you look really good tonight" I told her then looked back at my phone.

" Tonight.. I need to look good everyday so you don't send me back" I heard her mumble.

" You looked good for the last few days I've had you" I said still looking at my phone. I could feel her eyes look at me then look back down at my hand and she started playing with my fingers again.

When we arrived I got out first and helped her out the car. Rico walked inside with us and told me he'd be around talking but near by just in case something happens. I walked to the table some of my Mafia friends would be at. I intwined Normani and i hands together as we walked up to it.

" Y/n you made it... And who's this melanin beauty next to you" Jamal said.

" Jamal this is Normani My girlfriend" i said. Normani looked at me with a look I couldn't pin point right now.

" Girlfriend? Did I hear that correctly you are settled down" Devin said.

" Yessir" I said helping Normani into one of the empty seats and sitting next to her.

" What happened to I'm never dating again. Fuck relationships y/n" Quan said.

" well she changed that" i said kissing Normani's hand. " oh and hi yasmine, Dalia, and Ayah" i said acknowledging their girlfriends. They all gave me a friendly wave and a smile.

" Well whenever tha-"

" Hello everyone and Y/n" Jaden said sitting at the table.

Everyone said hi but I didn't say a damn thing. I saw my ex and him sit next to each other with a smirk.

" Here alone again y/n" Layla said.

" Nope Normani meet my ex Layla, Layla meet my current girlfriend Normani" I said. Her smirk dropped and she rolled her eyes.

" Hmm could've done better" She said.

" Better? This Black melanin right here is the best. Don't be mad I moved on" i said.

" Whatever" she said sitting back into her chair.

I wrapped my arm around Normani and she leaned into me.

" You okay" i whispered. She just nodded her head but I know what Layla said is in her head.

My phone vibrated and so did everyone else's but the girls.

" We got business" Quan said.

" Yep let's go" Devin said kissing his girl and getting up.

I let go of Normani and turned towards her as she sat in her own chair straight up.

" You gonna be okay here" i asked her.

" yeah" she said sighing.

I pecked her lips and stood up.

" I'll be back text me if you need me" i said walking with the rest of the guys.

We walked into the room and sat down. In the chairs. They're were other mafia Bosses in here. So this can get real ugly soon if we have a disagreement.

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