Chapter 14

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" I hope Arin kills you" Luke said laying on the floor.

" Yeah well when he does I'll see you in hell" I said shooting him in the head. I looked around to see all the dead bodies on the floor.

" Boss that's all of them" Rico said.

" Good let's get out of here I'm sure Arin is on his way here to check on his lil pal on the floor here" i said putting my gun away and walking passed him.

We left the bloody scene and they dropped me off at my house then went off.

I checked my watch and it read 4:46. I sighed and walked up the steps. I walked in my room to see Normani slumped in my bed. I smiled a bit the. Headed into the bathroom. I needed to wash all this blood off of me. I took a shower and walked out the bathroom back into my room. I put on a pair of sweats and and my sports bra. I slipped into bed beside her. I went to wrap my arms around her and she shot up out the bed.

" I'm up I'm sorry for sleeping so long" she rushed out in fear.

" Normani baby it's me" I said with a yawn.

" y/n" she sighed out.

She hesitated but slowly got into the bed again.

" I'm sorry" she sighed out cuddling into me.

" It's fine you've been through a lot" I said.

" did you.." she trailed off.

" Yeah I did" I said.

She sighed. " I don't want you to get hurt y/n" she said straddling me.

" Im not gonna tell you I won't but at the end of the day I have to do what I have to do to keep you safe. And if that means taking peoples lives then so be it but I refuse to let you go ever again" i said looking at her.

" Y/n I'm not the same person you met... They did things to me.. Made me do things.." she said starting cry a bit.

" Listen to me. We can talk about that when your ready but I'm not letting you go ever again. It was my mistake of even listening to anything you were saying at that moment. I'm willing to put up with and do my best to help you as long as you stick by me Normani you have my word" i said.

" You promise" she said barley above a whisper.

" I promise" I said.

She leaned down and kissed my cheek then placed her head on my shoulder. I gently placed my hands on her back and rubbed it. After a few minutes her breathing evened out and she was sleep.

" I'm coming to kill you Arin even if it's the last thing I do" I mumbled before closing my eyes and going into a deep sleep.


Fill chapter😬

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