chapter 18

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" say hi to satan for me" i said as my hollow tip entered his head.

" whole house cleared boss" roman said putting his gun away.

" good cause i'm tired and just want to go home" i said.

we walked out the house.

i lit a match on fire and threw it in the bush that had gasoline on them.

we got in our cars and drove out fast.

" how's everything with the fam" i asked roman.

" it's good i'm thinking about moving though" he said looking at me.

" i have a few houses i own you can move into if you want" i said.

" really" he said with a smile.

" yeah man we family you know this" i said patting his shoulder.

i went to say something else when my phone started ringing.

i looked to see it said normani.

" what the hell she should be sleep it's 4 in the morning" i mumbled picking up the phone.

" hey baby is everythin-"

" y/n" she said frantically.

" Normani what's wrong" i said sitting up in the car.

" there's guys and there in the house breaking things .. he tried to grab me y/n" she letting a sob out.

" Normani where are you" i said looking at roman who looked at me.

" i'm in your office i flipped the emergency switch and the doors locked. i have a friend with me y/n... i'm scared"

" Roman t-"

" already on it" he said.

" why did the lights go out" i heard a females voice say.

" y/n they cut the power" normani said frantically.

" babygirl calm down okay. i need you to go to my desk okay" i said calmly.

" okay i'm at the desk" she said.

" look under it you should see a button" i said.

" i see it" she said.

" push it" i said.

i didn't hear anything for a minute.

" it sealed off everything" she said.

" it won't lift unless my voice commands it to"

" i'll be there soon princess" i said.

" don't hang up please" she begged.

" wasnt planning on it" i said putting her on speaker.

" mute yourself so when i get there you won't be heard" i said.

" okay" she said.

we parked at the bottom of the driveway.

we got out the cars and quietly walked up my driveway.

" we take them out and if you find who led this group bring them to me" i gritted out.

they nodded their head and we walked in formation.

i walked in and saw one guy by himself.

" we need to find the laptop and wherever those girls went and get out of here before she gets back" i heard his walkie go off.

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