Chapter 7

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I woke up in my office still. I groaned because my neck was hurting. I heard my phone go off and I checked it to see Roman had finally sent me the information I asked for. I pulled up the email on my computer.

" Okay let's see why you thought it was funny to rob me" i said pulling up the file.

" Jaden Owens... Bitch ass" i said scrolling through his report only to see a name that made me mad.

" Arin Ray... I should've killed you when I had the chance" i mumbled.

I continued to read everything when my phone alarm went off.

" I forgot I was going to Houston with her" I sighed saving where I was at and closing my laptop and picking it up.

I walked into the room and saw Normani cuddled up to my pillow. I walked over to my drawer and pulled out some sweats and a shirt for her. I walked over to her and shook her.

" Babe wake up" i said shaking her.

" mmmh" she groaned out moving closer to the pillow.

" you are not a morning person" i said throwing the covers off of her.

" Y/n" she whined.

" Alright then we staying here and not going to Houston" i said and she shot up immediately.

" No no I'm up" she said.

" Good now get dressed the jet leaves in 2 hours but there's gonna be traffic" i said handing her the shirt and sweats.

" Okay" she sighed out.

She got up and got dressed and grabbed her suitcase. I grabbed my bags and put my laptop and everything else I needed because I was gonna be gone.

Time Skip

We at her parents house and everything is fine. Her family is actually nice to be around but I have work to do that I'm pushing back until later. I was having a drink in her back yard when my phone started ringing. I put it to my ear.

" Rico what's new" i said.

" We caught another one of there men. What do you want me to do to him" he asked.

" gets as much information you can out of him then kill him. I don't need Jaden getting any information on anything and I found out some news and who his second man is" i said walking around a bit.

" Who" he asked.

" Arin Ray" i said.

" Boss we should've slit his throat when we had the chance to" he said.

" I know I know but now it's a little complicated then before I can't just kill him like I want to there's a few more complications added on" i said.

" Yeah well we need to figure it out" he said.

" I know and I will. I'm gonna start now and see how far I get and what I can find out but for right now just do what I told you" I said as I see Normani and her family walking towards me.

" Got it" he said.

" Okay I have to go call or text me updates" i said hanging up and putting my phone away.

" We just want to thank you for allowing Normani to come down for her Grandmas party. She hasn't seen Normani in maybe 3years because of Arin and when we got her back your father called" Andrea said.

" It's fine I might have to leave a few days earlier I don't know yet but she'll stay" I said.

" Thank you" Derrick said shaking my hand.

" It's no problem really but I actually have some work to do so Thank you guys for the lunch but I must get started" i said with a smile.

They nodded and I walked off. I went in the house and into Normani's room. I grabbed my bag with my laptop in it and sat on her bed.

" I need to get started now not later" i mumbled to myself.

I opened up my laptop and started working.

Time Skip

I couldn't find much out. I had to call my hacker friend to find more information and then send it to me. I didn't realize I was staring at my laptop for so long that Normani touched my shoulder.

" Are you gonna give this a rest because you've been in the same spot for about 5 hours now" she said.

" Um yeah I will soon I just need to find some stuff out and what not" I told her.

" Can you at least relax for a bit" she said massaging my shoulders.

" I'm waiting for a call so I guess I can" I said closing my laptop. She stopped what she was doing so I could get up. I put my laptop in my bag and walked back over to her. I laid down and she cuddled into me.

We sat in silence as I just rubbed her back.

" Thank you" she said.

" For what" I said confused.

" For everything. For right now I have a better life, I'm being treated good, you aren't forcing me to do anything I don't want to... it doesn't even feel like you own me" she mumbled.

" Well I don't want it to feel like I own you especially because I never planned for this to happen" i told her truthfully.

" thank you still" she said.

" It's fine Normani" I said kissing her head.

"I can already feel the shit load of problems ahead but this... This feels nice and I'm not gonna give this up easily so I'm ready for whatever they throw at me" I thought to myself while holding the girl in my arms.

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