Chapter 16

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" Normani I have to go" i groaned out.

" wait can you at least text me and let me know your fine throughout the day" she asked through the phone.

" Yes I can text you know I have to go the longer I sit in this car the longer I'm gonna be away from you" i said checking my watch.

" okay okay.. stay safe please" she said.

" danger is my middle name Normani no can do now go have fun and check in with me time to time gotta go" i said hanging up on her.

I got out the car and walked to to the entrance with Roman and Tony behind me.

" Name" the bouncer asked.

" Y/n Y/l/n" i said fixing my suit.

" Go ahead" he said eyeing me.

" Thanks" i said walking past him snapping my fingers so they stay directly behind me.

We walked inside and the smell of cigars, cigarettes, and alcohol clouded my nose. I've always hated the smell of cigarettes but I'll have to push through it for this. We found a empty table and sat down. Roman passed me a glass and the alcohol we brought just in case.

" So what's the plan" he asked.

" We hear what the hell this shit is about and then we leave. I don't want to be here at all and I miss my women" i said.

He nodded.

" Roman your gonna need to control yourself I know you don't like how people look at me crazy but I can't have you snapping we're very out numbered here" i said just as someone walked over and sat down.

" Ahhh y/n right" this lightskin nigga said sitting down in one of the seats next to me.

I put my hand up to signal them two to chill for a second. " Who's asking" i said.

" I'm one of the new mafia groups in town and I'm the leader Rameer Colon" (Decided to add her ugly ass real life boyfriend to this and sum of the other books) he said extending his hand for me to shake. I looked at it and looked at him. He realized I wasn't going to shake it so he pulled it back.

" soo I thought I would introduce myself so I'll see you around" he said getting up and walking away.

" That nigga remind me of Sid the sloth" I said shaking my head and Roman started laughing.

" You aint shit" he said.

" Yeah well his breath smelt like shit so this shit needs to hurry up" i said fixing my sleeves.

Time Skip

I walked into the house and threw my keys on the table. I was tired. After that meeting I left immediately and took my jet back here. I walked up the steps and walked into the room to see Normani sleep in my bed. I smiled. I went to the bathroom and did my business. As I was brushing my teeth I seen a tired normani walking towards me through the mirror.

" Your back already" she said hugging me from the back.

" Yeah did I wake you?" I asked her.

" the light did you didn't close the door all the way" she said yawning.

" I'm sorry mi amor" i said rinsing my toothbrush off. I put it back and rinsed my mouth out. I wiped my face and turned in her arms.

" Let's get you back to bed" i said kissing the top of her head.

" I haven't seen you in a day or so and I get a kiss on the forehead" she said upset.

I cupped her cheek and brought her into a kiss and after a few minutes of it we pulled away. Her eyes were still closed. I kissed her forehead. She laid her head on my chest and we stayed like that for a minute.

" come on I'll carry you to the bed" i said. She let go of me and I picked her up by her thighs. I walked to the bed and laid her down. I walked to my side and slid into it.

She immediately cuddled into me and laid her head on my chest. I ran my fingers through her hair until she was sleep. I got comfortable the best I could and securely wrapped my arms around her. I let out a breath and closed my eyes and let sleep take over.


Just showing y'all I didn't leave again cause some of y'all messaging me is funny asl💀 but More updates coming soon🧍🏽

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