chapter 19

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i was sitting with normani on the couch. her head was in my lap while i played wit her hair.

" y/n" she said.

" yes princess" i said.

" i-" she got cut off but my phone ringing.

i looked and saw it was from an unknown number but i knew exactly who it was. i picked it up and put it to my ear.

" ahh jaden how are you did you like my little gift" i said with a chuckle.

" this isn't funny y/n it isn't funny at all where are you" he said.

" are you sure it's not because i found it funny that you and your three musketeers ass group tried to get some of your weak ass men to take me out and get my stuff"

" when we find you we are gonna kill you" he growled.

" you gotta do better than that but don't worry you'll see me soon because your next then arin and then your little third party but i'm gonna make sure his death is slow" i said then hung up.

i tossed my phone and looked at normani to see her already looking at me,

" yes" i said.

" you-"

" y/n have you seen norma- oh you guys are having you time" she said.

" nahh you can take if you want" i said with a smile.

" are you sure" she said.

" yeah go ahead"

she sat up then pecked my lips then walked away.

i called roman and he picked up.

" boss wassup" he said.

" we go after jaden tonight" i said.

" okay" he said.

" let everyone know and make it known jaden will suffer before he dies so her the room ready" i said.

" got it boss"

" tonight at 2" i said then hung up.

i got up and looked to see normani and choie laughing and smiling.

" i'd do anything to continue seeing that smile normani" i mumbled getting up.

i grabbed my laptop that was on the table and went upstairs to my office.

i started to put together my plan for tonight. he was going to have extra security for sure.

i searched up his house which was easy.

i started to draw everything and map everything out.

time skip

" this is how it'll happen if we do it right" i said explaining the plan again.

" alright so remember when we kill the first group of guys. a group of you will switch clothes into theirs to make our lives easier" roman said.

they all nodded and got a bunch of okays.

" we pull this off i'll have one of my famous cook outs at the house" i said.

they all cheered.

i laughed and roman shook his head.

i felt a presence behind us.

" you guys go ahead and start loading everything in the car.. normani come here" i said not even looking back.

they left quickly and i felt a hand on my shoulder.

" your leaving again" i heard her sigh.

" i'm finishing what was started im going to take jaden out then arin then that stupid ass third party" i explained.

" why can't they do it and you just stay here" she asked.

" because i have to lead them into this without me i could lose my whole group" i said standing up.

" but what about you y/n, you think about everyone else but what about you"

" what about me what normani"

" what if you get hurt"

" i'll always come back to you if that's what your worried about" i said looking at her.

" and the day you don't" she said folding her arms.

" that day will never happen" i said kissing her forehead.

she sighed.

" listen i know your worried but i've been doing this for as long as i can remember.. just get some rest or go in the room with choie and i'll be back by breakfast" i said with a small chuckle in the end.

" if your not when i see you i will smack you" she said then pulled me into a kiss.

when we pulled away i chuckled.

" no need to get violent i'll be back in a few" i said pecking her lips then grabbing my vest that was on the floor.

i walked out and everyone was dressed.

" we don't leave until i kill jaden understood" i said.

" yes boss" they all said.

i nodded and turned around and blew a kiss to the women leaning against the wall.

" roll out" i said and we all started walking towards the door.

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