Chapter 13

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" Dad I don't care what I started I wasn't gonna let her stay there" I yelled through the phone.

" Y/n listen I talked to Arin he said if you give her back we could still have peace" he sighed.

" I don't care what he said father I know what I said now I want you to go have a good day because shits gonna start getting real crazy soon" i said then hung up on him.

I was in my office monitoring everything from there waiting until Normani woke up. I was typing something up when I heard one of my men yell. I jumped up and ran out the room to my room. To see Rico trying to pull Normani off of Roman.

" She woke up yelling and we tried to calm her down but she's attacking us" Rico yelled.

I chuckled and walked up to them.

" Normani babe" I touch her and she immediately shielded herself which made me jump back.

" Arin I'm sorry please don't hit me.. I'll be good I promise" she sobbed hard.

I looked at Roman and Rico and they had the same look on their faces.

" What the fuck did he do to you" i mumbled. I looked at them two and nodded my head towards the door.

" Boss are you sure" Rico asked.

" Yeah I'm sure.. Check on me in five just in case tho" i said quietly.

He nodded and they slowly left the room and shut the door. I sighed. I didn't know how to even approach her at this point. I decided a far approach was a good decision for me wanting to keep my life.

" Normani can you look at me please" I said.

" Arin please I'm sorry" she sobbed out again.

" Normani babe it's y/n not Arin" i said slowly.

" Your lying to me again... You said you would say that as a test and if I look up you'll beat me into near death" she sniffled.

" Jesus" i said shaking my head.

" Normani I promise you it's me Y/n and not Arin" i said.

" You promise" she whispered.

" You have my word" i said with a small smile.

She slowly looked up and her bloodshot eyes looked into mine. She squinted her eyes at me then looked around. Her eyes widened and she jumped up.

" Did I die" she mumbled.

" Babe you didn't die" i said shaking my head.

" So I'm really here with you" she said slowly walking to me.

" Yes I broke-" I didn't finish my sentence when engulfed me into a hug.

" I missed you" she cried.

" I missed you too.. I'm sorry I didn't do that sooner" i said kissing her head.

" When did you-"

" Last night i killed every 'client' on the first floor and the guy who was in your room. I slit his throat you know.. it was like another side of me woke up when I heard them talking about you and your cries. I wanted everyone to.. Die" i rambled on not realizing it fully.

" Wait so that wasn't a dream... You really saved me last night" she said pulling her head back a bit with a smile.

" Yep" i said.

" Thank you" she whispered looking at me.

" Don't thank me I should've never let you go back there in the first place.. but go ahead and freshen up I'll be waiting for you in my office" i said kissing her head again.

Rico opened the door ready to see me struggling on the floor but when he seen I wasn't he took a breath.

" Okay good your okay" he said.

" Yeah I'm okay Rico" i said.

He nodded and went back out.

" can I wear some of your clothes.. I don't feel comfortable wearing my own clothes I want something more baggy an-"

" Hey wear whatever you want babygirl" i smiled at her and walked towards the door. I left and went back into my office to finish what I was doing.

A few things of paperwork later Normani slowly opens the door and comes in. She closed it back and sits in the seat across from me.

" I broke the peace treaty.. I'm at war with a lot of people once word gets out" i explained to her without looking up yet.

" Does that mean your a walking target" she whispered.

" Yeah but I'm gonna start taking groups out tonight. We came up with a plan to at least eliminate one of his allies tonight and that's what we're gonna do" I said finally looking at her in the eyes.

" I was so stupid thinking I could stop this and protect you-"

" Normani you thought you were doing the right thing it's okay but now we're doing this my way. I grew up only knowing and seeing death my whole life.. I'm gonna do whatever it takes to make sure he is off your back for good and you don't have to worry about him no more" I told her seriously.

" Y/n I don't want you to get hurt" she sighed.

" If it will keep you safe and in my arms at night I'll take a few more bullets then I already have"

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