Chapter 17

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"Y/N YOU LYING... CHEATING, ASSHOLE" Normani said throwing something at me with each word.

" NORMANI CALM DOWN AND LET ME-OUCH" i said rubbing the spot the remote hit me.

" Let you explain I SEEN ENOUGH" she said looking like she's about to cry.

" SHE KISSED ME. IF YOU WAITED A SECOND YOU WOULD'VE SEEN I PUSHED HER OFF OF ME AND I THREATENED TO PUSH HER WIG CAP BACK" I said annoyed of going through this for the thousandth time today.

" what did I do wrong" she said crying ignoring everything I said.

" You know what I can't do this when your ready to hear me out let me know" i said giving up on this damn argument.

I grabbed my keys and went to go leave.

" Mhm go ahead and leave to that little hoe anyway" she said throwing something at me and it shattered when it hit the wall next to me.

I rolled my eyes. " I'll be at the safe house Normani when your done acting like this" i motioned with my hand at her. " come see me" I said walking out and going to the car.

Time Skip

" so you left" Roman said again making sure he heard me correctly.

" Yes shawty is trippin man.. Damn near broke half of my house" i said taking a sip of my drink.

" and your staying here for the night" he asked.

" Yeah I'm not gonna wake up to hot grits be on me cause she think I'm out here messing with everyone" i said.

" Well have fun with that" he chuckled. " but I'm gonna make sure some shipments get out and what not so I'll catch you boss"

" I'll be here" i said raising my glass to him.

He left and I sighed. I drunk more of my drink and decided to start some paper work.

A few days later

I haven't been in my own house in like a week. Thank god I have extra clothes and shit here cause if not I would've been fucked. I tried texting Normani but I haven't got a response which means she's still mad. I can only imagine the type of damage my house is going through because of her.

" Still here" Roman chuckled.

" it's not funny I just want to sleep in my bed but Normani is being normani" i said rolling my eyes.

" Yeah well-"

" Boss Normani is here to see you" Rico said through the walkie.

" Oh god" i said rubbing my forehead.

" Have fun with that" I heard him laugh and close the door.

A few minutes later A very tired looking Normani walks in and sits in the seat in front my desk.

" I'm sorry" she uttered softly.

" You know this could've been avoided if you just listened to what I had to say right" I staring at her.

" yeah I know it's just... Nevermind can you just come back to the house please" she begged.

" Are you going to throw anything at my head again?" I raised my eyebrow at her.

" As of now no I just want you to hold me so I can sleep pleasee" she begged again.


Surprise shawtyyyyyy I've been gone for the longest but I'm still alive just wanted to let y'all know🤣🤣 anywho updates will be soon I've been working on everything slowly

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