chapter 20

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we got over the gate and was creeping through the yard.

" rick cut the cameras" i said into my ear piece.

after a few seconds i heard back from him.

" cameras cut" he said.

" alright remember the plan" i said.

we got to the door and there was a guard coming from the right around the bushes.

" yeah i don't know why he's so scared of the bitch i just say we kill her then use her bitch for pleasure" he said.

they rose their guns and i stopped them. i pulled out my knifes and creeped near him.

" yeah i heard she's a fine ass black girl i would love to get in between those legs"

i came up from behind and covered his mouth then slit his throat.

he started to choke on his own blood as he dropped to his knees. i kicked him over as he bled out.

i creeped back over to my group.

" one of you drag him somewhere and switch clothes" i said.

one of them went off and i grabbed the door knob and opened it.

we slowly walked in and i realized that their were a lot more men than i expected.

i walked to the wall and signaled them to stay put. i peaked around and saw about 12 men in the living room, 6 walking up and down the hallways.

" shit" i sighed.

i creeped back and looked at them.

" change of plans you guys be ready to take out those men on signal, miller come with me" i said.

we went back to the wall and leaned up against it.

" we take out the men walking the hallway" i said.

he nodded and pulled out his gun.

" quietly" i said.

he put his gun back and grabbed his knife.

we creep around the corner being undetected and saw two guys with their back turned to us. we took them out and went to get up when i saw one of the guards look at the body.

i threw my knife quickly and it hit him in the neck. i walked over and pulled it out and stabbed him in the stomach a few times. i dragged him the other bodies.

" 3 more" i said quietly.

" bryan why is Tristan so quiet i haven't heard from him since-" miller stabbed him in the stomach and pulled the knife up.

" damn" i mumbled as he pulled the knife out and i caught him before he fell. i sat him on the rest of the bodies.

" sliced him open" i said raising his eyes.

" learned it from the best" he chuckled.

we walked along the wall and peaked in to see 13 guys now. we made our way back to the kitchen.

i got my assault rifle back and nodded.

we all creeped our way close enough to the living room.

" guns up" i said quietly.

and i nodded.

and we took those guys out.

we walked upstairs to see another group of guys.

we almost started shooting before i saw roman.

" damn bruh i almost killed you" i said.

" i know i saw my life flash before my eyes" he joked and grabbed my arm.

" stick with the plan" i said to them as roman and his group walked me to the room jaden was in.

roman busted the door down and threw me in there.

" boss look what we found" he said looking at jaden.

" y/n.. good job men at least some of you aren't week" he said getting up.

" this is what some of you boys were scared of" he laughed and his men in the room laughed too.

" now i can just finally end you once and for all" he said starting to walk up on me.

" are you sure about that" i asked and roman's group took out the his guards.

" what the-"

i jumped up and tackled him to the ground throwing punches. he flipped me over getting a few hits back.

i felt around for my knife and when i got a hold of it  i stabbed him in the leg and pushed him off of me as he screamed for help.

" i told you i would kill you before you killed me" i chuckled and snatched the knife out his leg.

" are you sure" he said pulling out this remote and hitting a button.

" self destruct in T-minus 15 seconds" the thing said and he smirked.


" self destruct T-minus 15 seconds"

" boss what the hell was that" i asked her looking at her.

" get everyone out and to the cars NOW" she said not even sparing me a glance.

" y/n" i said.

" NOW ROMAN" she yelled looking at me.

" T minus 10 seconds"

" fuck" i said running with my group out the door.

" let's go now" i yelled running past y/n group.

we got outside and ran to the gates.

" you guys get to the car now i'm going b-"

their was a huge explosion and i turned around to see the house in complete flames.

" NO" i yelled about to run before someone grabbed me.

" we need to get back to normani and let her know what happened" miller said.

a tear silently fell from my face thinking about the girl that took a chance on me when her father was gonna have me killed dead.

" let's go now" i growled out wiping my face.


" normani i'm sorry" i said as the gorl covered her mouth and cried on her bestfriend.

" she said she would be back.. she promised she'd come back" normani sobbed.

" understand that we are hurting just as bad as you are y/n was important to all of us.. we will carry out her mission of ending this so you can be free" i said standing up.

their was a knock at the door and i pulled out my gun.

" nobody suppose to know we're here" i said slowly walking to the door.

i opened it and pointed my gun at the person then immediately lowered it.

" y/n" i said with wide eyes.

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