chapter 21

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" self destruct T-minus 15 seconds"

" boss what the hell was that" roman asked me.

" get everyone out and to the cars NOW" i said not even sparing him a glance.

" y/n" he said.

" NOW ROMAN" i yelled looking at me.

" T minus 10 seconds"

" fuck" he said running with my group out the door.

" this was your plan jaden, get me here for this"

" yep because if i die you die" he chuckled.

" not this time" i said kicking him in the stomach.

i ran to the window as i heard two i jumped out of it aiming for the pool below. the house exploded and the pressure sent me flying farther then the pool.

i flew into his neighbors yard and hit the side of the house and fell on the top of their car.

" FUCK" i yelled.

i tried to sit up but i couldn't. my vision started to get blurry then it went black.

when i woke up again. the house was still on fire.

" you need to get back to the house get up" a voice said in my head.

" i can't" i mumbled.

" you promised her now GET UP"

i groaned and rolled off the car and fell on my hands and knees.

" fucking hell" i said coughing up blood and spitting it out.

i got up slowly and reached for the door and it was unlocked.

" idiotic rich people i tell you" i mumbled getting in the driver seat.

i closed the door and searched the glove compartment for the key. not there.

i flipped the sun visor open and they fell into my lap.

" that you to the stupid fuckers that did this" i chuckled turning the car on.

i stepped on the gas driving straight to my house in the worst pain ever.

when i got there i saw all of the vehicles here which means they're telling normani that i died.

i got out and limped to the door. i knocked and did my best to hold myself up but my legs were giving out.

the door swung open and i had a gun pointed to my face but it quickly was lowered.

" y/n" roman said looking like he was going to cry.

i nodded and collapsed but he caught me before i fell.

" i gotchu" he said carrying me in the house but before i could see anyone else everything went black.


" can someone shut that thing the fuck up" i groaned out.

" y/n" i heard and felt hands on my face.

i slowly opened my eye but blinked a few times because it was to bright.

"y/n" normani said again as tears fell from her eyes.

" hey" i rasped out with an cough.

" jesus you scared the life out of me" she said wiping her face.

" you get used to it after a while" i said with a smile.

" tell that to your self i thought you actually died" roman said leaning against the door.

" he's dead"

" we know that but how are you alive" he asked.

" jumped out the window" i chuckled.

" you're an asshole you know that right" he said.

" yeah i know don't worry" i chuckled again.

roman walked away to give us some privacy.

" i thought you died" she said sniffling

" i thought i did too but i promised you i'd come back to you right" i said placing my hand on top of hers.

"right" i said again and she looked at me and nodded.

" then trust me on it" i said.

" i do.. it's just you're the literal best thing to ever happen to me and to think i was going to lose it the way they explained it i freaked out" she said.

" i'm not going anywhere babygirl" i said with a smile.

"good" she said leaning down placing a kiss on my lips.

" mhm i think we should go shower"

" you can barely stand maybe tomorrow" she chuckled.

" i tried" i chuckled. " help me up and detach all this shit from me please" i asked her.

she unplugged the heart monitor and everything else and slowly helped me up.

" shit" i groaned as she got me fully up.

" you look like shit" she chuckled.

" ake ake help me downstairs" i rolled my eyes.

" please" she said.

" please" i groaned out.

" see not that hard to use your manors" she said.

" i'm not five normani" i said looking at her.

" well you act like it" she chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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