Chapter 15

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" No we will not partner with you Mr.Brown... that isn't my fault your sales dropped like that... okay and if we invest in you and it goes wrong that was money I could've put into my company... If your sales go up call me but until then my answer is no" I said hanging up the phone.

I sighed and continued to do some paper work at my desk when I heard a knock at the door. I look up to see Naomi poke her head up with an attitude.

" Ms. Y/l/n Normani is here to see you" she said with a tone.

" Good send her in" I said sitting back a bit.

She closed my door and I closed my eyes and sighed. I heard the door open and close then I heard heels. I opened my eyes to see Normani in a slim fit dress and it's hugging her body in all the right places. My eyes scanned each and every curve before meeting her eyes. She wore a little smirk knowing I have my eyes on her.

" Hey" I finally let out as she walked around my desk.

" hi" she said with a smile. I turned the chair and she bent over and pecked my lips.

" Nahh with you looking that good ima need a real kiss" i mumbled as she sat in my lap.

" Whatchu working on" she asked ignoring my comment as I wrapped my arm around her and faced towards my computer.

" Just some more proposals and shit from people and what not... How was your day so far" i asked continuing my work.

" It was okay but I missed you so now I'm here" she said.

" Well I'm glad your here because I'm stressed the hell out" I sighed.

" what's wrong" she asked standing up getting out of my hold and shutting my laptop. No one has ever did that no matter how caught up in my work I am. I didn't even know how to react. Everyone knows not to close my laptop while I'm working. She pushed it back a bit and leaned against the desk.

"  Well.. Well um.. I have to do two more hits tonight and might have to be in the same room with a bunch of guys who are on Arins side of this little war we're gonna have... They can kill me at anytime they want and I'm trying to think of a escape route if shit goes left" I explained.

" Can't you just skip the little get together or whatever. I don't want you to get shot or.. or worse die" she said staring at me.

" It's a meeting so no I can't but i might be able to call in some extra help from a friend to make sure I make it back to you. But that means while I'm gone you need to lay low and make sure you keep Rico with you when you go out. I don't need anything happening to you" i said.

" Then take me with you. You can see with your own eyes that I'm okay and I get to cuddle you it's a win win" she said.

" No can do babe. I know most of Arins men and they try and do this little sneak attack thing I can't have anything happening to you down there while we're basically only protected of what we got" i said.

She sighed.

" I'll be gone for 2 days the longest" I said looking up at her.

" And you won't get hurt" she said.

" And I can't promise you that but I can promise you when I get back I'll take a few days off and spend them all with you" i said whipped already for this girl.

" Okay I do that" she said smiling.

" Good" i said smiling back.

All of a sudden she got nervous. She wiped her palms on her dress and looked away from me.

" Um y/n do you think we can maybe... Go on a date or something like it during those few days" she asked.

I looked at her in adoration.

" you know I was thinking about asking you on one.. Just haven't got the chance too but Yeah we can for sure" I told her.

" Really" she said kinda shocked.

" Yes really" i said.

" Usually when... When I ask for something like that I don't get that answer... Your not playing with me right" she staring me in the eye.

I stood up and cupped her cheek. I brought her into a kiss and our lips moved slowly. It was full of passion. It started to heat up so I pulled away. We were both kind of breathing heavy.

" I'm far From playing with you Normani. We're going on that date.. I'll take you anywhere you wanna go and I mean anywhere" i said as we stared at each other.

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