Chapter 2

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We walked into my house and she just followed where I went. I didn't like this at all. I walked her into the spare room near mine.

" This is your room. We will get you clothes and shit tomorrow. There's a bathroom and everything you need in there so Uh have fun ig... I'll be in the room 3 doors down which is my office completing work and Mafia stuff if you need me" I said.

She nodded her head as an okay. I walked out of the room and went to my office to complete some stuff. After a few hours I decided to just call it a day. I closed my laptop and walked me into my room. I stripped and took a quick shower. I put some underwear and a bra on and laid down. I grabbed my phone and plugged it up. I got comfortable and closed my eyes and went to sleep.

Next day

I woke up to with weight on me. I groaned and opened my eyes to a bunch of hair on my face. It was the girl I owned or whatever you want to call it. I sighed and got her off of me. I put on a pair of sweats and I heard her speak for the first time.

" Where are you going" she asked scared.

" Uh I'm gonna work from home today and we have to get you stuff. I was just putting some pants on" i said looking at her. She nodded but seemed like she didn't trust me. I picked up my phone and it immediately started ringing.

" Fucking hell" I said then answered it.

" Boss we have a supply drop your father wants you to handle it today" I heard Roman say through the phone.

" I groaned the sun is just getting up and he wants this shit done now... Alright I'll be there" i said hanging up my phone. I took my pants off and changed into my suit.

 I took my pants off and changed into my suit

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I checked myself out to make sure I was good and I felt eyes on me. I looked towards the bed in the mirror and The girl was watching my every move like she was waiting for me to something. I walked to my wallet and pulled out the card that was connected to my phone and turned around and gave it to her.

" Go out and buy stuff for yourself while I'm gone. You can spend as much as you want Idc. I'll have my driver and one of my best security go with you" i said fixing myself.

She slowly took the card and nodded.

" I need to go so I'll see you later" i said grabbing my keys and walking out the door.

Time Skip

I hit him in the ribs continuously. I backed up as he hung from the ceiling.

" So you thought it was okay to steal from us huh" i said pacing back and forth slowly.

" No boss please I-"

" Nahh don't beg for mercy now" i said pulling the gun out my waistband.

My phone started ringing and I pulled it out. I looked at it to see Rico calling me. I picked it up and put it to my ear.

" What I'm busy" i said.

" Yes boss I know but I wanted to let you know your lady has finished shopping and is back at the house. She got clothes,Shoes,Jewelry, and a phone a random number should text you soon" he explained.

" thanks I should be there soon" i said hanging up. I looked back at the guy and shot him multiple time in the body until he stopped screaming and yelling.

I turned around and grabbed my jacket of my stuff so I can go home. I got in my car and headed out. When I pulled up all the lights were off but a few that I could see. I got out the car and walked into the house. I went into the kitchen to see the girl trying to cook. I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms but held a small smile.

" I need to make sure I don't burn it this time before she beats me or something" I heard her mumble.

My smile dropped. Is that what she thinks I'm gonna do to her. Jeez what did they do to this girl before me. I decided to clear my throat. I saw her freeze and slowly turn around.

" You know if you were hungry I could've gave you my chefs number" I said pushing myself off the wall.

" I-um I-"

" You can continue to cook I was just saying" I said. I saw her relax a bit. I chuckled and went to walk away when she stopped me.

" You have um... something red on your face" she said.

" Thanks for letting me know" I said with a small smile and walked away. I went upstairs and took a quick shower. I was getting dressed when I heard a knock on the door. I turned around and saw Normani walking in with food. I was just in my boxers and sports bra.

" I brought you the food I um hope you like it I kinda Burnt everything else" she said.

I chuckled and walked over to the bed and sat down. She handed me the tray and the food actually smelt good. She nodded when I looked at her and went to walk away.

" Nope get back here" I said. She turned around with fear in her eyes. " We're obviously gonna be staying together so I want to get to know you" i said with a smile.

" Oh um okay" she said sitting down in front of me.

" We'll start simple and work our way up" i said.

" I'm fine with that" she said looking at the bed.

I took a bite of the food and it was actually really good but I set it aside. I reached for her face and she stiffened and flinched a bit. I gently lifted her head to make her look at me in the eye.

" I'm up here babe don't be so nervous you can say whatever your comfortable of talking about okay" I said.

" O-okay" she said looking at me.

" We'll start with names. As you already know I'm Y/n Y/l/n" i said.

" I'm Normani Kordei Hamilton"

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