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Bill stood at the table sharpening his blade, twitching with anger. "Whatever favours you think I owe ya, it ain't worth that much."

"Actually, Bill, they are."

"Well it don't matter because I don't have a car that works."

"But there is one in this town."

"Parts. There are parts in this town."

"Meaning that you could fix one up."

Bill lets out a breath and drops his blade. "Alright... if I'm gonna do this, there's gear I'm gonna need."

He points down on a spot on his map, "It's on the other side of town. now you help me go gather it. And maybe I could put together something that runs. But after this, I owe you nothin'."

He pulls out the keys to the handcuffs and slams them on the table.

After gathering the supplies they need from the restaurant, Joel, Ellie and Bill head out.

As they made their way down a set of stairs, Bill begins to explain their plan.

"It's like I said: what I need is on the other side of town. Now, that side I don't ever go to cause it's filled with infected. So, we're gonna need more guns." He begins. "It probably wouldn't the so overrun if that Witcher would finally rock up sooner than fucking later."

"Witcher?" Joel asks curiously.

"Yeah. That tough vigilante son of a bitch, she leant a hand with getting me supplies a while back and promised me she'd deal with some of the infected on the other side of town at some point."

"I thought the Witcher went around saving lives, not make shopping trips for some bozo who lives on his own." Ellie says from the back.

"Ellie." Joel snaps.

"Ha, ha, ha. Fucking hilarious." Bill responds very loudly. "I needed her help because she can get in and out of places no other fucker can without getting themselves killed. And she gets shit done."

"Clearly she doesn't if she hasn't cleared to infected like she said she would." Ellie murmured, but Bill caught what she said.

"She had business back in Boston apparently, but either way we gotta go whether or not she's done shit because the all-mighty Joel and his little brat needs a ride."

"Well, fuck you too."


"Alright. Put 'er in first."

"Already did it."

"Just keep your foot on the clutch and when we get to roll-"

"I know how to pop a clutch!"

"How the hell do-? Y'know what, I don't care. Just don't fuck it up!"

"Alright, Ellie, get ready."

Joel and Bill push the pickup truck out of the garage with Ellie in the driver's seat. The first attempt had clearly not recharged the battery enough, so the men resumed pushing it down the road. However, the noise they were causing was beginning to attract infected.

"Guys, on the side to your left!"

Infected began crawling out of the houses, forcing Joel and Bill to breakaway from the truck and defend themselves.

As Joel was dealing with two runners, a clicker lurched out at Bill who largely struggled holding it back with his shotgun.

"Joel!" He hollered, though he knew that he wouldn't reach him in time with two runners attacking him.

Just a second before his arms were going to give out, a gunshot rang and the fungus armour sprouting out of the clicker's head shattered and then with a second shot it collapsed. The second runner that was going for Joel also fell after a bullet to the head.

Both men looked behind them to see a figure atop the roof of a house with a rifle in hand pointing down at them. They couldn't see their face for the hood and mask but they made an easy guess.

"About fucking time!" Bill yelled up at their rescuer.

"Guys!" Ellie called out from the truck.

"Bill! We need to keep moving!"

They returned to the truck's rear and continued pushing, now feeling a little more relieved with someone watching their backs.

As more infected kept appearing, Joel and Bill were able to keep pushing much longer as the Witcher fired round after round at each infected that kept appearing. They only broke away once or twice when one got too close, and at one point a runner grabbed ahold of Joel and slammed him against the truck. As quick as it had grabbed him, the runner dropped to the ground from a headshot.

Joel quickly tried to gain his breath back and glanced up at the rooftops at the Witcher.

"Joel!" Bill snapped at him, to which he turned back around and continued to push the vehicle.

When they got over the hill and the car finally started, the men made a break for it and dived into the bed of the truck. Just as Ellie was slamming her foot down on pedal, Bill looked back up to the rooftops where their Witcher stood looking back down at them.

"Don't be fucking late next time, asshole!" He barks.

The Witcher saluted them as they drove away.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐎𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐉𝐨𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 - 𝐓𝐋𝐎𝐔Where stories live. Discover now