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The sun was just rising and Ciri finished her song on the piano and heard the footsteps approaching. She turned around on the bench and waited for the knock at the door.

When it came she stood and walked to the hallway.

Tommy was on the other side and he smiled enthusiastically, leaning on his rifle. "Good day, miss. How was your night?"

She shook her head lightly at him with a smile. "Just fine. How was your poker game?"

"It was great. Well - for me it was. Not so much for Joel." He faked a frown.

"He lost?"


She hums in amusement and leans her shoulder on the doorframe. "So, what can I do for you?"

"I just came to ask if you want to join me and big brother for a ride. It's our day off and the weather's perfect so... whaddaya say?"

"I'd like to check with Maria first if she needs an extra pair of hands with anything-" She begins.

"I've already checked with her and she says it's fine for you to have the day off - you deserve it anyway. You've worked pretty much everyday you've been here. Take a break!" He cuts her off, standing up straight.

She sighs. "Alright, fine. Just give me a moment to get ready."

"Take all the time you need. We'll be getting the horses ready at the gates, so don't rush." He haves his hand and begins to walk off the porch.

"Okay, see you in a few."

She closes the door and heads up the stairs. She examined the clothes that she had picked up the day before while she was out with Tommy. She'd washed them and let them dry overnight.

She threw on a black T-shirt with dark blue jeans and pulled on a corduroy jacket that Maria had given her.

She took only her sword and pistol out with her and headed for the gates. As she walked she wished 'good morning' to some of the folk she'd become acquainted with - mainly the power plant crew.

As she was walking near the bar she spotted a familiar red-head. She quickly approached before she could leave anywhere and called out her name.

"Hey! Esther!"

Esther turned round to see Ciri coming towards her. "Oh hi. Ciri, isn't it?"

"Yeah that's me." Ciri smiles politely. "I heard you're the hairdresser around here and I was hoping later today, if you're not busy, if you could give my hair a chop. It's been driving me a bit insane."

"Oh, yeah. Sure, I don't mind. Just come find me when you're ready." She responds, smiling back.

"Lovely! I'll see you later." Ciri nods and waves as she begins to head back in the direction of the gates.

"See you later!"

Joel and Tommy waited with the horses at the gates and saw Ciri approach them after her short conversation with Esther.

"You ready to go?" Tommy calls out to her.

"Yep - I'm all set!" She responds, marching up to them and taking Apollo's reins from Joel.

"You getting a haircut later then?" Joel asks as they begin to mount.

"Sure am. Looking forward to it actually." She smiles. Her hair when it is down reached nearly the bottom of her back and it was getting harder to keep putting it back in a bun with the weight of it.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐎𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐉𝐨𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 - 𝐓𝐋𝐎𝐔Where stories live. Discover now