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The Witcher checked she had everything in her pack and all her gear. Once she had it all on, she opened the door and left the house. She didn't dare glance back or think a lot about it as she walked the streets.

People were awake and preparing for the day as she passed them. She avoided eye contact with anyone and kept walking the way towards the gate. As she turned onto the final street she saw Maria and Tommy stood talking to two other men outside of the stables and made a straight beeline for them.

As the two men left the couple, Tommy saw her approaching and raised his hand in a greeting with a smile.

"Mornin', Witcher." He said once she reached them.

"How's your leg?" She asks.

"Practically a brand new limb." He jokes, showing how well it's healed by putting pressure on it.

"And how's Katherine?" She turns to Maria.

The blonde smiles and nods. "She's doing a lot better now."


"You headin' out somewhere?" Tommy then asks, noticing all of her gear she had loaded on her back.

She takes a quiet breath in. "Actually, I've decided to move on now."

His smile fades as both him and Maria look at her confused. "Move on? You're leavin' Jackson?"

She nods. "I'm grateful for your hospitality but I think I best be on my way now."

"But- you ain't been here all but five min-" Tommy begins with a slight laugh, not really in amusement but Maria places a hand on his shoulder and interrupts him.

"I think what my husband is trying to say is don't you wish to stay a bit longer? I understand living in here is a lot different to being on the outside, but are you sure you don't want to give it time? We could do with someone like you, you can help out with patrols and being on guard at the gate or at our power plant-"

The brunette stops her. "I know what you mean and I really do appreciate it but I've already made up my mind."

The two remain quiet as they take in her words, they share a look with each other before Maria eventually nods. "Okay, we understand. But at least let us give you some supplies to send you on your way with."

"No, it's fine. I have everything I need already, I just need to get Apollo and I'll be on my way." She waves her off, with a small polite smile.

"Don't you wish to say goodbye to Joel?" Tommy stops her from walking away.

She pauses, and half shrugs. "If I see him before I go I will. If I don't, send him my best regards."

They watch her walk away into the stables.

They look at each other with almost disappointed expressions. Tommy sighs deeply, "I'm gonna go find him."

Maria agrees and enters the stables, following after the other woman. She finds her beginning to tack up her stallion in the stall with a blank look on her face.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?"

The Witcher glances at her before nodding and turning back to fastening the girth. "Sure."

"At the bar last night... Joel was talking about you. He's come to care about you, you know?" She says carefully.

"Care about me?" The brunette almost laughs. "He hardly knows me."

"Well, rather he's come to care about what happens to you." Maria corrects herself. "You've had an impact on him, I guess is the way to put it, and he wants to give something to you in return."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐎𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐉𝐨𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 - 𝐓𝐋𝐎𝐔Where stories live. Discover now