XI : Comfort

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Her surroundings were blurry, noisy but she hears nothing

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Her surroundings were blurry, noisy but she hears nothing. It feels strange actually, it's something like the calm before the storm, and last night was just a hazy bad dream. The moment she woke up this morning the lad sleeping on her sofa were no longer there. He didn't left anything, not even a word. So, imagine her surprise when she met him at the hallway walking passed by her like everything happened on the past 6 hours didn't even occur.

No greetings, not even a spare of glance. Lalisa doesn't exist in their world again.

"Did I heard it right? You're gonna run as the SC's secretary next school year?"

A short girl with a cat like features asked her while they stopped at their own lockers to get stuffs for their next subject. The brunette didn't reply but gave her a nod, she needed that spot for her mission. Hayi, her friend smiled. "Then I'll run as your treasurer. It will be the last year of high school why not make the best of it right?"

"That'd be great. It will benefit the both us in our college application." Lalisa nodded in appreciation but didn't showed enough emotions to the girl and Hayi was used to it.

Hayi's smile became wider, excited at the thought of being a part of the student council next school year. "Right!" Though her smile quickly faded away when she thought of someone. "But the only problem is dealing with that mean four eyed genius!" Lalisa shifted her attention to her friend who little by little became anxious. She nibbled her lower lip, obviously in deep thought of that certain someone.

Jeon Jungkook, the top student in campus. If Kim Taehyung is already cold and reserved, Him would be a whole next level, the only difference between them are, Taehyung is lot calmer than that strict student body president.

Lalisa sighed, rolling her eyes in exasperation. "Don't remind me. I still couldn't forget how he discriminate us lower ranks because of our status. I'll make him taste his own medicine in the future." She gritted her teeth, as she slammed her locker's door.

Hayi gave a light laugh when she saw how her friend turned furious at the thought of the SC's president. "You know what? Ever since middle school, you guys are like cat and dog." She then paused a while before adding the words that made Lalisa cringe to death. "Isn't it the more you hate the more you love? Do you think he likes you?"

"Stop saying that Hayi, you give me shivers." Lisa even shook her shoulders but the smaller one ignored it and loudly laughed at her reaction.

Not far from them was a lad, leaning on the wall with his head cast down, both hands were tucked inside his pants front pockets, he gave one last glance to the brunette who was busy talking to her friend before he make a turn to leave the corridors of the sophomore students.

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