VII : Cat&Dog

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"Are you fucking kidding me?"She had a straight face the whole time

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"Are you fucking kidding me?"
She had a straight face the whole time. She was so done, Lalisa didn't signed up for this embarrassment.

The lad is also avoiding her glares. Obviously, embarrass as well.

"Can you shut up?"
Jungkook's face were all red. Getting shy from the looks people are giving them. He fixed his glasses and tried to act cool and ignore everyone but he's failing big time with him being a blushing mess.

"Pres, I agreed to shop with you not to be your instant girlfriend."
The brunette abruptly stopped from walking they just got out from his car and they are now heading to certain home center shop.

Lalisa still glaring at the shirt they are wearing.

Jungkook stopped as well but not looking at her. They look like two couples having a fight.
"What do you want me to do, this is all my sister have."
The two of them was heading out the school when they bump into Chaeyoung who just closing her locker. Her eyes instantly went down to their coffe stained uniform and being the worried older sister that she was to Jungkook, she quickly take out something from her locker and let them borrow her shirt and Yoongi.

The T-shirts she handed to them had a word written on the front that says, 'He's mine' and 'She's mine' Lalisa couldn't even believe at first, that someone still buy these things if only Chaeyoung wasn't a sweet girl, she would burn these two shirts already.

"You said you'll buy on the way!"
She complained, stomping her feet. Jungkook have to turned around to pull her with him.

He clicked his tongue.
"I'm not gonna spend a dime for you."

"You're such an annoying prick."

"What did you said?"

"Nothing pres! Let's just get this over with before I decided to bury myself in the ground." She tried to whisper the last sentences but it didn't missed on the latter's ears. Jungkook scoffed as he gave her a one last glance.

"One more complain from you I'll be the one who will bury you in the ground instead."

The brunette rolled her eyes and pull her hands away from him.
"I can walk." She huffed a breath.

Jungkook gave her a glance before shaking his head, leaving her behind and she needed to run to keep up with him, with her arms crossed over her chest to hide her shirt.

It took them 45 minutes to gather all the missing needs for the sports fest which is three days from now. The brunette was carrying a whole full cart while Jungkook is on the front checking their list. He gestured her to put all the things on the cashier and she obeyed without any more protest.

The robot keep scanning the goods and after a minute or two it stopped and look at the both of them.
"That would be 36,000 won."
The robotic voice caught Jungkook's attention as he lifted his hand in which where a bracelet with a microchip in it to pay the bill.

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