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"He's still here!"

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"He's still here!"

Taehyung was catching his breath like he had just run a hundred miles. His head is still lightweight and his limbs are too weak to move but he force his body to recover from the virus that Lisa injected.

"Who the fuck are you talking about?"

The door of the van opened and Yoongi looked at him with so much absurdity. Taehyung ignored him, closing his eyes and trying to regain his strength. He couldn't still believe what he just figured.

Then his lips muttered the most absurd thing to say.


Yes, he is still alive.

The hypnotic virus that mixes into his blood, put him into a deep slumber but it awakens something inside of him. Something he didn't expected to see in his subconsciousness. Taehyung woke up in a dark boundless place, the floor were damp with cold water and the only sound he could hear is the soft strum of a guitar. He swore he never heard anything like that before but it feels familiar, like he had been playing it a lot but he couldn't remember perfectly.

He found himself following the sound and each steps he takes the louder it gets. He caught a glimpsed of his reflection on the water and what he saw halted him from moving, the color of his hair and the last clothes he wore from his previous life was now ahead of him, reflecting on the dark waters.

Flashback of memories flashes like a short movie film and it made his heart aches from a longing he can never go back to. He misses his friends, his brother, his best friend, his céline. Taehyung quickly rubbed his welling eyes as he exhaled a shaky breath, scoffing at his poor state.

Suddenly the music disappear and footsteps coming from his behind made the shallow water moved. Taehyung slowly turned his head at the back and what he saw, made his eyes turned wide.

The man who he's getting used to seeing in every mirror was now literally in front of him. That familiar dark locks that almost cover his eyes along with his orbs that looks like an onyx stone from afar. The man he's been searching from the moment he got in to this parallel world is right here. "V" He muttered.

The man who looks like him then lifted his hand, he didn't said a word. It's like Taehyung already know what he's trying to say, so without any hesitation he moved closer to him and accepted his hand. The moment their skin touches, a surge of memories rushing in his mind vividly, that he can almost feel and taste every emotions V felt along those times.

When he opened his eyes, a lone tear runs down his cheek. "She needed you... Why are you here?" Emotions swirling in from every smiles they shared together, and here Taehyung thought V hated her.

The Parallel City: Favored By The Stars SequelWhere stories live. Discover now