II : Lily

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The brunette is annoyed

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The brunette is annoyed. The man waited for her until her shift was over. He had this stupid smile all the time as he watched her do his job. It freaked her out honestly.

What did he take? Is he on drugs? Seriously, he looked like a loyal dog wagging its tail for the whole hour and his gaze were nonstop on hers.

The moment her shift was over and she exited at the back door, the man shamelessly followed her even in the dark alley on her way back to the dormitory.

"What the fuck?! Are you drunk? Get off!" She pushed him away when he suddenly cling on her like a damn koala.

Taehyung however only tightened his hold on her, hovering her small figure. Because obviously he was way taller than her and she look like a freaking midget beside his giant ass height.
"Céline, it's really you!"
He is a chuckling mess and also been rubbing his face to hers, the brunette gathered all her strength to push him away, partly disgusted.

"Have you literally lost your mind?!"
She yelled at him, face getting all red from annoyance. What is wrong with this guy?! He isn't like this.

"I can't believe this! I found you again."
But no matter how the brunette push him away, Taehyung still stick around and his smile didn't even falter.

What? What is he talking about?
"You're fucking crazy. Can you leave me alone?" She said seriously, patience running out. The brunette ran her fingers through her hair as she gave him a death glare but the latter didn't even move at all, he calmed down and held her wrist, his eyes were watery as he take a step closer to the brunette.

"I won't really let you go this time. You're mine, Céline." He said, voice were velvety and deep. He lifted his hand and fixed her bangs as he smiled at her warmly, he promised her. He promised to not let her go the moment he will see her again and maybe this time the stars are favored for them.

The brunette however, swatted his hand away. Weirded out with the guy who oath to make her life miserable.
"Oh damn, you've totally lost it."


The brunette let out an unamused laughed. "I thought you hate me, V? After all I was the one why you and your ex broke up."
Her lips lifted into a smirk but her gaze were cold. That was the truth, V never did take a step foot in this part of the city, he hates her guts and was one of the people who belittles their ranks. The only good thing to him is maybe his songs. Their band make good music that even if she hated them to the core she couldn't help but to listen to what they play, specially that her friend was the one who play as their bass.

Taehyung scratched the back of his head, his lips jutting out and brows furrowed very deeply.
"I have an ex? This V guy is a dumbfuck blind, can't he see, Céline?!" He suddenly shouted at himself, almost making the brunette jump in surprised.

He was currently arguing with himself and Lisa blinked multiple times, she can't believe she's watching him this way. That brooding arrogant guy who acts like he knows it all, is this really him?

"Are you talking to yourself?"

He suddenly halt. His whole attention shifting back to her. "Urghh, No?"

"I see you talking to yourself, V."
She sighed, he must've been planning a plot against her. All these high society people always do nothing good to them. They act like they own the city and people like her were just trespassers for them.

"Sorry, I'm still a bit lost actually. But call me Taehyung."
He changed the subject. Slowly realizing that he came a bit too much towards her. She's probably weirded out. Taehyung studied her expression, her brows were furrowed cutely but her eyes, her eyes were nothing the same with his céline. He can't pinpoint a word but it felt like an empty blackhole.

The brunette purse her lips, still confused at the latter's motive.
"You hate it when someone calls you your real name."

"I don't hate it when it's you."

Hold on. I said that was too much! Taehyung quickly scolded himself inside his head. He saw how her facial expression changes.

"Ew. Goodbye."
She said, turning her back. She doesn't really have time to play games with him right now. She needed a sleep or else she'll be like the walking dead in school tomorrow.

"Wait up, Céline!"
Taehyung called her, he needed answers and she's the only one he knows right now. But it seems like this V guy ruined his chance to be close with his céline because apparently she oBvIoUsLy HaTeS HiM!

"Go home! We have school tomorrow, asshole." The tall girl looked back at him, her eyes were glaring and she was gritting her teeth.

Taehyung was appalled. No, rather turned on. His adam's apple move down and up, gulping at his thought. Damn, was his céline this hot?!

"I love it when you talk dirty to me."
He unconsciously said and unfortunately it wasn't that low for her to not hear it. Her face went all red as well as her ears and neck.

Uh oh.

"Okay that's it! I'm done."
She spat angrily and furiously walked away from him. She was so fast, Taehyung needed to jog to follow her.

"No! I still need to talk to you with something!" He said tugging. He wanted answers why he is here or what's wrong with V? Because that lad just did a fucking suicide!

However, the brunette didn't turned her back anymore.
"Talk to me in school! It's late."
He couldn't follow her anymore when she crossed the streets and she vanishes in his eyes with all the people around them.

Damn it. Stupid flirty mouth.


Parallel City is not really the kindest place or even the safest place. They have murders, slaughtery, and killings. People here do anything for power and fortune. All of them are capable with bad deeds and the greatest ones are the one who never got caught. This was never been the normal and perfect city to raised a child, because sooner or later, minds will get corrupted and turned them into psychopaths.

A bob black haired girl look at her surroundings before pressing something onto the wall. Time check; 4 am at dawn. Everyone are sound asleep but not for them. Not for the rebels. She quickly went in when it opened a passage out from the city.

An automobile was waiting for her outside and her lips lifted into a playful smirk upon seeing her cousin impatiently tapping his fingers on the steering wheel of his ride.

"You're late today."
Was the first thing he said when she got inside the mobile and settled herself.

"Had a weird night. Sorry 'bout that shall we go?"
He just shrugged his shoulders with her nonsensical answer as he accelerated the car and they drove away in a speed.

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