chapter 1

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*beep beep beep*My alarm goes off for the thousandth time this morning

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*beep beep beep*
My alarm goes off for the thousandth time this morning.

"Sage wake the fuck up or we're going to be late "Mya's thick Bronx accent is heard through our dorm.

"Mya the whole floor can hear your ass"Willow yells back in a lower octave.

And now I'm up.

I just recently moved to New York from Germany to attend NYU. It has always been my dream school ever since I would visit my childhood best friend Willow during summer breaks. Willow had moved from Germany when we entered middle school and we would always take turns visiting each other.

We both applied to NYU and got accepted. She got accepted in freshman year while I had to wait a year for my student visa so that I could attend. We were even lucky enough to be roommates along with Mya. She's cool and outgoing and knows everything about everyone. In such a short amount of time, we became stuck together like glue.

"Why didn't you guys wake me up" I yelled as I scrambled out of bed and tied my curly hair into a bun before stripping out of my clothes and ran to the bathroom. Since there are three of us in a room we were lucky enough to have a bathroom in our quarters.

"Well we tried but your ass was knocked out."Mya said as I ran into the bathroom.
I quickly brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. Since it still winters in New York I made sure to lather my body in a thick body cream because my dry skin a bitch.I quickly apply some gel into my hair and pull it up into a top knot bun. With no time for makeup, I decided to go fresh-faced today and applied some vaseline to my lips.

I ran into my room carefully trying not to fall and bust my ass in the process. I quickly threw on some grey sweats, a matching sports bra, and an oversized plaid button-up, and my air force 1's before grabbing my bag and laptop.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Sage Anja Muller. My dad is African American mixed with German and my mom is African American as well. My dad's father went to Germany on a business trip and met my grandmother and instantly fell in love upon meeting her. He eventually moved to Germany to make their relationship last long term. Five years later they had my father and yada yada yada.

My mom was exploring all over the world when she took her gap year in college. She met my dad when she came to Germany and they ended up having a one-night stand. Go figure when dad woke up she was nowhere to be found. I guess you could kind of say she was the one who got away. After her gap year, she decided to bring her talents to NYU. Low and behold she runs into my dad on her first day here. Long story short they got married and had me.

"Hurry your ass up bitch ."Willow yelled for the millionth time.

"I'm coming I'm coming "

I grabbed my Phone, Keys, Airpods, and Charger off my desk ."Here you go "Mya said handing me one of her famous breakfast sandwiches.

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