chapter 21.

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I woke up to my phone ringing at 1:50 in the morning from someone telling me to meet in the living room

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I woke up to my phone ringing at 1:50 in the morning from someone telling me to meet in the living room. Who would be calling me at 1:50 you may ask.

If you guessed my nearest and dearest brother Gianni ...soon to be a dead man then you are correct.

I slowly untangled myself from Sage and walked out of the room and down to the living room to find everyone in there squished on the couch."So how was the date"Maria asked as she fed the baby Jax a bottle?

"It was great, "I said running my hands through my hair as a blush rushed up to my neck."I umm found out some information about her "I said looking up to them all staring at me.

"So she finally told you, "Alessio said ,a grin starting to form on his face."You all knew."I yelped my voice getting embarrassingly high-pitched.

"Of course we fucking knew dumbass "Gianni said in a duh tone "We're the fucking Mafia in case you forgot, did you think we weren't going to do background checks."

This is the time he decides to be a smartass.

"They all could have a lot of potentials if we trained them, "Antonio rubbed the arch of Abby's foot.

"What do you mean all?"Carlos asked with raised brows when Alessandro passed around stacks of folders to us.

"These are their files?"Santana asked as he flipped open the folders and scanned through them like the rest of us.

"Willow Schmidt."Natalia starts reading ."Well well well down to earth Willow has a case of sticky fingers. She's managed to steal from high brand stores in broad daylight, and past security unnoticed" She turned the page read the profile.

"That is until she got caught on cameras at a Saks lifting a pair of Sunglasses."Santana read with wide eyes ." Although they only got her for the sunglasses they didn't seem to notice how she came in without a bag and scarf and she existed wearing both ." he laughed "Ohhh she's useful."

Who would've thought Willow would be a Kelptomanic. She had the potential to do some major jobs for us since she has a way of getting unnoticed even by security cams.

"Mya Ford, "Sienna says as we move on to the next file."Has been mastering the art of Muay Thai since she was four ."She read off before pausing."Got sent to juvie for two months because she sent her stepfather to the hospital for hitting her mother. He ended up with broken ribs, skull fracture, and a dislocated shoulder, surprisingly he made it out alive"

"Carlos looks like you better not fuck things up"Alessandro with a smirk."Not only is she good at fighting but from what I've heard around campus is that she can be very persuasive in getting information out of people."

"Definitely could be useful during interrogations."Tessa mumbled as we shifted folders.

"Sage Muller, "Alex said with a big grin as she and Alessa shifted excitedly "Grade A psychopath."

"Went to a psychologist at the age of seven for two years due to killing her neighbor's cat, definitely showed signs of a future serial killer."Alessa read with a sparkle in her eyes ."When asked why she killed the cat, she told the Psychologist that the cat, and I quote "Got on my fucking nerves ."

That seems like a valid reason to kill a cat. I mean they are lazy little creatures who shit, eat, and sleep all day. Useless pesky little animals.

"Showed immense progress in the next two years ending her therapy earlier."Alex read with a frown. "How upsetting "

"That's a load of shit "I laughed gaining everyone's attention."Pry tell brother "The twins leaned  forward with their elbows on their knees. Years later and that shit still creeps me the fuck out.

"She fantasized about slitting her ex's throat as she brings him to a climax when she was with him."I say repeating the words earlier."She told me she fantasized about watching me kill someone as blood splattered all over me, and we'll you don't need to know the rest "I grinned, to myself as I too imagined the scene myself.

"Well, "Antonio cleared his throat, as we all let this new information sink in."One of the main reasons we let them this close to us after they found out about who we are and what we do is because they are very useful to us and they have a lot of potentials."

"What are we going to do about them?" Sebastian asked as Tati leaned her head in his shoulder ."I mean we know they are loyal to us at this point and we know their background, so where do we go from here ?"

We all looked at each other as we knew the only answer to his question. When they found out we gave them the option to join us if they wanted. Maybe now was the time to have a conversation with them about where they stand now.

"Well, we obviously can't ignore what they can bring to the table, "Lucien said throwing the files on the table ."We have two options here "

"We let them come to us, "he said throwing his arms behind his daughter and wife "Or we go to them with the information we know and get them to reconsider their answer ."

Again we all looked around the room seeing that we all had our answers ready.

"Good," Anthonie said picking up his phone "I'll dial Scarlet and have her set up reservations for when we get back." he said with a smirk.

"Don't even" Alessa said, "Scarlet blocked you after you proposed a threesome with her and her wife ."She said as we erupted into laughter at how Anthonie's face fell.

"She hates your guts man, "Gianni said slapping his chest as Anthonie sent him a glare ."Just give it up already."

After clowning Anthonie we all headed back to our rooms and went to sleep. I for one was feeling anxious about the upcoming dinner when we return to New York.

Shorter chapter but I feel this is an important conversation just so you guys could see into the background of all three girls and why they were let into the circle as easily as they were

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Shorter chapter but I feel this is an important conversation just so you guys could see into the background of all three girls and why they were let into the circle as easily as they were.

What do you think their answer will be now that the families know their backgrounds?

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Instagram: dontw_orryboutit123Tiktok: dontworryboutit_123Twitter: Alexiswrites_

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