"Mmm"he stood up slowly making his way towards me ."Are you afraid of me Sage "came his deep voice from behind me as he placed his hands on my hips .
I sucked in a breath as I felt his nose run up the back of my now exposed neck thanks to him mo...
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Sage Müller
"Wake up, green." Willow jumps on the bed as everyone piles into the gigantic bed.
I was already awake but I just wanted a few moments of peace before my hectic day.Giovanni and I had parted ways last night. He didn't want to leave me but it's these stupid ass wedding traditions.
"I'm up, tree."
"Green? Tree?"Ashanti's brows are furrowed in confusion as she stares at us.
"Sage, green. Willow, tree." I quickly explain as I get out of bed. The girls mouth drops in an O shape as realization sets in.
"Ok, let's get you ready."Abby squeals and pushes me towards the chair in front of the vanity. "This brings me back to my wedding day. " I smile as she takes off my bonnet.
I was happy that Abby actually went to school and studied how to do all types of hair. Not many hairstylist do that, so it was pretty cool of her.
Tati rolls over a suitcase filled with hair tools and supplies. Willow ran over and handed the them the hair extensions and they quickly got to work as Maria did my makeup.
My hair was past my shoulders curly and a little longer when straightened, but a few extra inches never hurt anybody.
We all got our nails done the day of my bridal party. I had a classic french almond manicure. I didn't want to do any sparkles or anything to take away from my engagement ring and band.
My mom soon came into the room a few minutes later after everyone started to get heir hair and makeup done.
"Guten Morgen, Mama." I pucker up my lips and kiss her cheek as she sets down tea for me.
"Guten Morgen mein süßes Mädchen. Wie fühlen Sie sich ? Nervous?" I humm, nodding my head slightly. "ein wenig" She gives me a stare which tells me that she doesn't believe me. "ok viel."
(Good morning my sweet girl. How are you feeling?, a little, ok a lot.)
"I know you are." She laughs as she sits down. Her hair was long and straight. The red dress that she was wearing was floor length, with off the shoulder long sleeves. She had minimal make up on but a bright red lip.
She looked young for being in her late forty's.
I had been sipping my tea when a knock on the door was heard. Mya got up and opened it to reveal Santana in his black tux and red tie.