"Mmm"he stood up slowly making his way towards me ."Are you afraid of me Sage "came his deep voice from behind me as he placed his hands on my hips .
I sucked in a breath as I felt his nose run up the back of my now exposed neck thanks to him mo...
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Sage De'luca
"Say mama," I tried to get my son to say as he stared at me like I was a crazy woman.
"Ma-ma," I tried again as he scrunched his nose and giggled, his two front teeth that started growing in on full display.
"Not today, you're not going to corporate for me?" I picked him up out of his high chair and carried him into the office with me.
"I did not go through hours of labor to push you out of my vagina for your first words not to be mama, we will work on this."
I was determined for his first words to be mama, Gio would never let me leave it down if his first words even resembled the words dada.
"How's my fine husband doing this afternoon?" I questioned as I pushed through the doors to his home office.
He and Gianni had been shadowing their older brothers for the past few weeks. He had spent most of his nights cooped up in the office going over files and data.
"I'm so tired of looking at a fucking computer screen," he groaned in annoyance as I sat down in his lap.
"Give me kiss," he licked his bottom lip before puckering up. I brushed my hand over his hair, fluffing it a little bit before sliding it around his face and gripping his chin.
I pressed my lips against his only to hear a smacking sound ricochet throughout the room.
Gio palmed his cheek as he turned his head to see his son with his hand halfway raised, his unique eyes stared back at him slightly watering and his bottom lip trembling.
"No," I scolded him as he dropped the act and grinned showing his incoming teeth.
"We do not hit daddy," I say as Gio takes Marco out of my arms and lifts him into the air.
"You want kisses too you little monster? " He growls playfully as he nibbles on Marco's chubby cheeks.
His soft baby giggles filled the room as Gio smothered kisses all over his face.
Marco was — was quite the character for being ten months.
He was very observant for his age. If he didn't like something he would make sure that you knew it...
Exhibit A: he didn't like his father kissing me.
He would go into a whole tantrum when me and Giovanni would kiss in front of him.
My conclusion was either that he was already being overprotective of me, or that he just wanted the attention placed back on him.
Sometimes I would catch him crawling and getting into things he had no business doing.
And then there was that damned grin and giggle, whenever the two were combined you knew that he was up to no fucking good.