"Mmm"he stood up slowly making his way towards me ."Are you afraid of me Sage "came his deep voice from behind me as he placed his hands on my hips .
I sucked in a breath as I felt his nose run up the back of my now exposed neck thanks to him mo...
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Sage Müller
"This is the most fun I've had in the longest time."I yelled over the music as we danced.
Sadly that wasn't a lie.
My life back in Germany felt like it had a big weight dragging me down seeing as my ex wouldn't let me go anywhere without him or rarely let me talk to my friends. Now that I'm in New York I feel like a different Sage. A more bold and bright Sage.
And the fact that one of the hottest guys on campus is interested in me just baffles my mind. He could have any girl he wants and yet he's talking to me. I mean he could still be fooling around with or girls behind my back, but I would hope not since I trust him so much and he seems to be putting in the effort,
After one too many tequila shots and chasers, I think it was safe to say I was a little tipsy. Not drunk but tipsy.
"What the fuck is she doing here "Sienna said as we all turned around and saw Kelsie walking towards with another blood trailing behind her ."Is that Ana "Tessa asked squinting her eyes a little bit.
"Well well well if it isn't dumb and dumber, "Alex said when the two girls approached.
"You know Ana we barely recognized you."Natalia said "What is that your fifth round of botox ?"
Ana looked like she would've been a pretty girl if she hadn't overdone with the lip fillers and botox because when she spoke her face barely moved.
"I see you are still the same annoyance bitches you were in high school, "Ana said as the boys approached us from behind.
"You know Ana "Giovanni said coming up behind me and grabbing my waist which caused Kelsie to stare daggers at me. I just smiled in return."After that ass whooping you received in high school one would've thought that you would steer clear of us like you were told."
"Who the fuck do you think you are? "Ana shrieked "You don't own everything in the god damned world."
"Oh but hun we practically do, "Natalia said inching towards her "Now you can either leave my fucking club or I can drag you out if it, your choice "
"Giovanni "Kelsie's annoying voice spoke up as Ana stared off with Natalia ."What are you doing here with this bitch?" she spat in my direction.
"Isn't it obvious?" he said pulling me closer to him than I already was.
"I don't understand, "Kelsie said as tears started streaming down her face "You were just at my place last night."she said stomping her feet like a child who's been told no.
Now if it was anyone else I probably would've doubted Gio for a tad second. But come on now, this is Kelsie we are talking about here.
"Was I? "he asked calmly as he cocked his head to the side "Because I don't think your house is in upstate New York "