chapter 36.

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Sage Müllertwo weeks later

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Sage Müller
two weeks later

"Italy baby!" Alessa yelled as we got off the jet.
"Holy shit it's so hot," I said even though I had changed into a spaghetti-strapped floral fitted mini dress.

"Aren't you glad I convinced you to change," Gio said hunching over me as walked towards the car."Yes, but it's scorching out there."I whined as we got into the black Maserati that was awaiting us.

"Here," Gio said turning on the air ." Does that feel better?"he asked turning to me." Much better."I said lifting my shades, leaning closer to him for a kiss.

He hungrily bit my bottom lip causing eliciting a moan from deep in my throat before he shoved his tongue into my mouth. I pulled him closer by pulling him by his neck to deepen the kiss. He reached over and pulled into his lap as he reckoned the seat.

I started to grind on his dick which got harder by the second.

"Can you horn dogs wait until we get to the house," Alessandro yelled startling us as he blew the horn.

"Fuck you," Giovanni yelled as he rolled the car window down when I got back into my seat. He pulled off after adjusting his pants and getting settled back into his seat.

"I'm going to kill him," he whispered as he tightened his grip on the steering wheel. I laughed at the why his jaw clenched before grabbing his hand and kissing it.

The drive to the house was amazing. Sicily was beautiful, hot, but very beautiful.

"We are going to stop by our Zia and Zio's house first ok," he said turning to me. " I can't wait to meet them," I said as I pulled out the overnight bag I took on the plan.

"They are very excited to meet you too," He said as I began to brush out my hair to make it look less frizzy. I quickly blotted my face for any sweat and excess oil that was showing and then I redid my lips.

A few minutes later we pulled up to a home surrounded by tall trees and greenery. Giovanni pulled in behind Alessandro and quickly ran to my side of the car to open my door.

"Thank you," I said as he placed a kiss on my cheek and grabbed my hand. We fell in step beside Alessandro who was typing away on his phone.

"Ouuu," I mused as he locked his phone," Was that Ashanti?"I teased as a blush overtook his face.

"No," he lied as I side-butted him with my hip.
"In other words Yes."Gio said as we walked inside.

"Giovanni, Alessandro," A tall slender woman called out as we entered the house. She was very beautiful and had zero wrinkles in sight. I was convinced at this point that the family was artificially made.

" Zia Carina," Alessandro greeted hugging her as she smothered kisses all over his face leaving red lipstick prints." Aww stop growing, Mi stai  facendo sentrie Vecchio," she said making the boys laugh. (you make me feel old)

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