"Mmm"he stood up slowly making his way towards me ."Are you afraid of me Sage "came his deep voice from behind me as he placed his hands on my hips .
I sucked in a breath as I felt his nose run up the back of my now exposed neck thanks to him mo...
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Sage Müller "Did you think you could run away from me? "he asked tightening his grip on my neck as a small whimper came out of my mouth.
"I own you skank "He whispered as he ran his nose up my neck making my skin crawl with disgust and my eyes well up with tears.
"Fuck off" I gritted trying to get out of his grip by scratching his arms with my nails. "You asked for it bitch "he said as he took me by the neck and banged my head against the wall.
I woke up out of the dream with a gasp lightly grasping my neck as I struggled to catch air. Seconds later my door sprung open as Willow ran in like she usually does when I have these dreams.
"Babe shh, it's going to be ok," she said as she wrapped her arms around me while I silently sobbed from the memory.
Yeah, memory not dream.
"He's not here ok "she mumbled into my hair as she rubbed my scalp ."It's ok and he will never get to you again"
I was fucked up, utterly, and completely fucked up thanks to my Psycho ex.
I can't even get decent sleep at night because I'm haunted by the same memory every night of him banging my head against the wall until I passed and developed a concussion from it. I laid on the ground unconscious before my mom found me in my destroyed bedroom thanks to him trashing it after we argued over his controlling ways.
Safe to say that after that I applied for a student visa and sent in my admissions to NYU.After I received my student visa at the end of the first semester I packed my shit and got the hell up out of Germany and far away from him.
"I fucking hate him "I cried as I remembered the look in his eyes when he banged my head against the wall. It was like he enjoyed it and got off of my tears and pain.
Did I forget that I almost got a broken windpipe from how hard he was choking me?
Just goes to show that the pretty eyes and whole boy next door act were just that, an act. The dude had fucking issues and I wasn't about to risk my life any more than I already had by being stupid and believing that I was in "LoVe" when I honestly wasn't.
He never even made me cum. That should've been the first sign to leave his ass before he became obsessed.
I mean I believe in a magical pussy and all but it can't be that magical to make a guy obsessed.
"Another nightmare "Mya asked as walked into the room and made herself comfortable in my bed."Yep "I laughed as she plopped her legs across mine.
"Sleepover? "Willow asked with a raised brow. "I would like that, "I said laughing as we all laid back down ."You should never leave sleep over a man who never made you cum "The raspy voice of Mya with her eyes closed making us all burst out giggling.