bonus chapter +2

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Giovanni De'luca

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Giovanni De'luca

I lay in the tub with Marco laying on my chest sound asleep.

He did better in the bath when he had skin to skin contact. Sometimes he would be wide awake and other times he would be asleep like today.

He mostly did good for Sage when she bathed or showered with him. She would make sure he was bathed first and then place him on her chest causing him to quickly fall asleep. I then would step in, get him dressed and place him in his bassinet in our room.

The door creaked open and Sage came into the bathroom to collect him.

"Ancora qualche minuto." I pleaded with her as she bent down beside the tub. She gave me a look before nodding her head and running her hand through his curls.

Marco was now four months and getting bigger everyday and changing in some way. His right eye had slowly began to turn brown over the past two months, leaving one section of it brown and the other section light blue.

When we talked the doctor about it they said that it was either hereditary, seeing as his eyes hadn't been injured. Usually hetercochromia was formed either by genetics or an injury to the eyes causing it to change color.

Marco must have gotten it from Sage's side because it wasn't mine.

Just because one eye was different didn't mean he was any less perfect to me or his mom. Sage loved the little baby with her whole being and did everything she could to be the best mother ever.

I felt her reach over and pull him off of my chest and place him in warm towels.

"I'll be back." I nodded my head in response to her as she walked out of the bathroom.

I laid my head back and closed my eyes as the quietness overtook the bathroom. I could hear Sage whispering softly to Marco in German.

We've been speaking to Marco in both of first languages early on in his life so that he could be fluent in both at an early age.

The sound of the water splashing and the feel of Sage settling down on my lap made me open my eyes. I looked down to see her placing small kisses all over my chest.

Our sex life has been far from over since Marco was born. In fact I think it's gotten better due to us both getting off on the rush of us having to find a good minute to rip each other's clothes off.

A baby stops nothing...ok.

Luckily Marco was somewhat of a lazy baby and slept well at his sleeping times. He did have a little temper when we didn't get to him quick enough but other then that he was good for us.

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