"Mmm"he stood up slowly making his way towards me ."Are you afraid of me Sage "came his deep voice from behind me as he placed his hands on my hips .
I sucked in a breath as I felt his nose run up the back of my now exposed neck thanks to him mo...
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Sage Müller
Here we were in the interrogation room waiting for Ryan to dial the number.
"Come on Ryan," Sienna snapped, "The quicker you do this the quicker we let go run back to your handler,"
That was if his handler wanted him back after this phone call.
Ryan picked up the phone with shaky hands and dialed the number. After two-three rings, the phone was picked up.
"Ryan tell me you have some good news," came the voice that I hated so much. The voice that put me through so much pain and suffering.
"Umm," Ryan said before clearing his throat, "There's been an inconvenience I guess you could say," he says while maintaining eye contact with Gio.
"What kind of inconvenience," he said through clenched teeth.
I could picture him now clenching his fist, the annoying ass vein in the middle of his forehead popping out, his left eye twitching with annoyance. It brought pure joy to my heart knowing that he was losing his shit right now.
"I'm going to give it to you straight Owen," Ryan said quickly," Sage has moved on, you are the last person in her train of thought right now, and the people she is with are not to be fucked with do you hear me," he said as we heard a glass being shattered in the background.
"Ryan you better be fucking with me," Owen said breathing heavily.
"Does it sound like I am fucking with you," Ryan yelled into the phone as spit flew out of his mouth?"Sage has gotten involved with some bat-shit fucking crazy people." Ryan said as Natalia pulled out a gun and shot at the wall behind him.
"Do you see what the fuck I am talking about Owen," he screeched into the phone." For once in your life listen to me Owen or we will all be fucking dead in the end ok,"
"Sage does not want to be found by you and she wants absolutely nothing to do with you," he said and a second later we heard more glass being broken and screams.
"Ahh shit," Ryan mumbled as everyone struggled to control their snickers.
"Ba-baby needs a binky," Carlos snickered out and causing Alessandro to slap him while struggling to control his laughter.
"You had one fucking job, Ryan," Owen yelled after throwing his tantrum." Where is she,"
I walked towards the phone and snatched it up. "Right here Owen, somewhere where you can't touch me," I smirked into the phone.
"Even if you did get close enough to me you wouldn't live to see another day," I threatened as I sat in front of Ryan.
"Listen you ungrateful bit-," he shouted into the phone.
"No you fucking listen Owen," I spat into the phone," You will either leave me the fuck alone or you can fuck with me and have your body parts shipped back to fucking Germany in first class shipping."