"Mmm"he stood up slowly making his way towards me ."Are you afraid of me Sage "came his deep voice from behind me as he placed his hands on my hips .
I sucked in a breath as I felt his nose run up the back of my now exposed neck thanks to him mo...
TW: mentions of abuse, rape, and sexual assault, and domestic violence
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The boys were busy playing football when Abby, Maria, and Tati joined us after putting the kids down for a nap while Abby's parents and the other older adults were inside.
"We were two when our mom took us away "Alex started their story as we listened in ."We didn't even know we had brothers, let alone six,"
"She was fine at first, I mean she wasn't the perfect parent but we were doing good, that is until she met Issac when we were around age ten," She said looking off into space as if it just happened yesterday.
"He got her hooked on all kinds of drugs, fucked her up in the head, "Alessa said grabbing Alex's hand "We ended up being the ones taking care of them, doing the cleaning, cooking, shit we had no business doing at the age. That's the reason why we enjoyed school so much because it was an escape from our shitty life at home ."
"At first he didn't touch us, "Alex said with a small smile "But then we got older and he got handsy. Mom couldn't do anything because all she was good for was whoring herself out to him and being high on crack 24/7 that she never noticed the bruises starting to form every day."
"At first they would be small, easy to hid, "she said laughing bitterly"But then he would start to beat us over the stupidest shit. We had to come straight home for school, cook for him, wash his clothes, clean that shitty ass house."
"One day I made the mistake of talking back to him, He hit me upside the head causing me to fall and hit my head in the corner of the table. Alessa started hitting him after and he pushed her down and started kicking her in the stomach. That was the first time we'd ever been to the hospital from a beating."
"He told them we were playing too close to the stairs and tripped on the way down, our house didn't have stairs." she scoffed rubbing her thumb across Alessa's hand.
"What about your mom?"Willow asked the sniffling. "Ohh she knew "Alessa answered back "and she let it happen because we didn't matter to her at that point. I mean she faked her death for the hell of it and left us with him, but we'll get more into her later on ."
"A few months after our 15th we had stayed after school for a club meeting, that wasn't allowed either but when were we ever one to listen "she laughed slightly."We thought he'd be out late getting shit faced as usual, but when we got home, boy were we in for a surprise," she said gripping Alex's hand harder.
"He and his sick friends were already home waiting for us ."Alex said as tears formed in her eyes as the story got worse ."That night they took turns on us, punishing us, hitting us ."She said as a tear escaped her eye ."They shoved their dicks into our mouths and forced us to give them blowjobs, some even took it as an opportunity to stick their disgusting fingers into us."She sniffled before taking a deep breath.