chapter 32.

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Third Person

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Third Person

"Who the fuck is Ryan, "Khalid asked with a scrunched-up face.

"We'll talk about this later," Sage said crouching down and checking his pulse."He's still alive."She said as she looked up at everyone.

"What should we do"Willow asked biting her nails.

"Don't just stand around," Vadim said as he walked towards them."As far as I'm concerned, he could be extremely useful to us."

"Ok," Gio said ."We need to hurry up and put him in the trunk before someone comes down this road," he said as he walked over and helped put Ryan in the truck.

"Somebody call clean up crew and get this"Alessandro said waving to mess."Cleaned up please."

After Ryan was secured into the truck the groups headed back to the base.

"Ok I've called Sebastian to come to do a check-up and Toni and everyone else is on their way."Alex said locking her phone."Can we know who this Ryan is now?"She asked as everybody turned towards Sage and Willow.

Sage took a deep breath before running her hands through her wild curls."Ryan is Owen's bitch" She said before scoffing."I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Owen sent him here to do his dirty work."

"So what are we dealing with here," Gio asked as he leaned against a table." The bitch has people shooting at you and my family now," he said angrily.

"The hell if I know, "Sage barked back not liking his tone."I knew he was a fucked up person but I didn't know he would go this far ok."

"Ok calm down guys," Gianni said ."It's not Sage's fault-"

"I'm not blaming my girlfriend for her ex's actions so you can shut that shit down right now." he spat.

"Ok boy if you just shut the fuck up," Tessa said stepping into the conversation "and Gio chill the fuck out please."

"I'm sorry," he said blowing out a breath and walked over to Sage." I'm sorry for raising my voice," he said holding her face in his hand.

"It's ok," Sage said wrapping her arms around his waist."Just don't it again ok." Gio nodded and kissed her on the forehead before turning his attention back to the group.

"Alright," Sebastian said as everyone else walked into the room."Ryan is awake and responsive now."

"What do you suggest we do to him, "Anthonie asked when they neared the group.

"Interrogate him, "Willow said finally speaking up."From what I remember, Ryan was a sneaky son of a bitch and can't be trusted "

Everyone looked towards Sage for confirmation on what Willow was saying ."She's right," She said.

With that, the boys went and dragged Ryan towards one of the interrogation rooms and tied him up.

With that, the boys went and dragged Ryan towards one of the interrogation rooms and tied him up

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