chapter 27.

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After phoning my parents and telling them about Owen trashing my place they hopped on a flight as soon as they could

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After phoning my parents and telling them about Owen trashing my place they hopped on a flight as soon as they could.

"Sage baby calm down," Gio said grabbing my arm to stop me from pacing around the room."It'll be fine. They'll stay here so that we can make sure nothing happens and keep a close eye on them" he tries reassuring me as he rubs my hand with his thumb."Nothing bad is going to happen to them, not while I'm around."

I walked the little feet towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck before lowering myself onto his lap."Thank you for all of this "I say while rubbing the hair on the nape of his neck.

"This means a lot to me. I honestly don't know what I would do if he would do something to my parents or you guys ."I say honestly."You just don't know how fucked up he his"

Gio didn't interrupt me while I talked which I liked. He was a good listener and tried to give some good advice even though half the time it leads to us ripping each other's clothes off.

"I licked the blood of another human off of a knife," Gio said raising his brows ." I know a thing or two about being fucked up in the head."he laughed.

I smiled softly as I observed him and finally let myself come to terms with my feelings.

I love him so freaking much that it hurts sometimes. It may have only been a few months since we've met but he sees me, the real me. Not the exterior I put up to hide my true self from.

He makes me feel loved and protected and he doesn't belittle me over any little thing. Every time I'm with him I feel like going to burst from all the emotions that are running through my head and all the sensations that he makes me feel.

I'm endlessly and hopelessly in love with Giovanni DeLuca.

"What's going on in that beautiful mind of yours"He asked raising his head to my cheek"mmm"

I didn't say anything as I leaned in closer and kissed his lips softly. He let me take control of the kiss this time so I kept it a sweet kiss that spilled all of my emotions into it without me having to voice them for right now. It was a different kiss from our hot and heavy kisses, it was a soft and romantic kiss. A kiss that sent warm tingles all over my body and took my breath away and melted my heart.

Eventually, we pulled away from the kiss to catch our breaths. He leaned his forehead on mine shaking his head lightly before tapping my thigh.
"Come on shortcake, it's time to go pick up the In-Laws," He said picking me up as I let out a snort.

Gio started laughing as I quickly placed my palm over my mouth."Hey, that's not funny" I whined slapping his back as he put me down."But it's cute baby, I love your little snorts" He said before slapping my butt."Now move that ass to the car."

"Do you think it was a smart idea to have them come right away?"I asked as he drove through the terminals."What if he had someone watching them "I voiced the worry that he been running through my mind all weekend.

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