~Far Apart~

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I really appreciate you, my dearest reader, for choosing to read this fabulous and marvellous shit of a book. The only thing I will say, is this this is a beautiful masterpiece, and—

Uh anyway, this is purely for fun and enjoyment, so don't expect anything too good from it.

Edit: Ok it is proving impossible for the haters to keep their mouth shut so I will put this as polite as possible:

Shut the fuck up.

Also, if you're a hater, why are you even reading this? I mean, I can't stop you if you're about to go around and hate on every Kaeluc fanfic that exists, but well, if you've got the time, please do something more beneficial for you. Like reading, or listening to classical music, doing that always calms me. Or you can go watch a hamster chew on grass, you know, those adorable videos on YouTube.

Also, before you start hating, please read this: I understand if you're a hater, and I see your reason, you're definitely not entirely unreasonable, it's just that everyone has different opinions and ways of seeing things. Instead of hating on others, I hope you can see that we all have our reasons and well you can't get everyone to agree to you. I accept those who don't ship Kaeluc, but I do not like people who come purposely to hate on Kaeluc in my book because bro obviously this is a KAELUC FIC. If you're a Kaeluc hater get out. Bloody hell.

Now this second part is optional, skip it if you want, but here's why Kaeluc, in my opinion, is not wrong:

As we all know, Mihoyo is a Chinese company, so let's do everything according to Chinese culture. (IM CHINESE SO YOU BETTER LISTEN UP)

In Chinese culture, there is this thing called 结拜兄弟, or you could call it 拜把子 (it's just a more casual way to say it) Usually males who are close friends and have similar interests will do this, and I'm pretty sure there's a ritual they perform to do so, but afterwards they become "brothers". Doing so is a sign of VERY close friendship that is so close they feel like brothers, or family, but it still doesn't mean they are REALLY brothers.

I know I know some Chinese players say that "they still can't be shipped oh no" BUT

Mind you Kaeluc still isn't incest since they aren't blood related, and it's not wrong to ship them! (Coming from a Chinese player myself so please for once listen gods)

Now with the "sworn brother" issue out of the way, here's this:

Kaeya and Diluc went different ways after their fight, and Kaeya left Diluc and the winery and his family after the fight. So they are not family, they are not even adopted brothers at this point. However, they can still be considered sworn brothers, since in Chinese culture being sworn brothers is sorta eternal and stuff. But then being sworn brothers doesn't make them unacceptable to ship.

Anyway, this is why I think Kaeluc is not a unacceptable or whatever ship, okay? Okay. It's what I THINK, KAY? WHAT. I. THINK. (And I do have the freedom to think, now do I)

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong with the "sworn brothers" stuff because as much as I know about Chinese culture I'm sort of not a historian so. (And I've always hated Chinese history it sucks I hate it I'm sorry I'm a bad person) I might be slightly wrong. Idk man I'm just being modest.

I'll just randomly put this beautiful fanart here

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I'll just randomly put this beautiful fanart here. Cat Diluc? YES.

(Credits to owner)

Anyway, hope you enjoy!

Scarlet, the amazing author of this fabulous book

Also, idk who drew the pic I used for the cover... sooooo... yeah. Thanks a ton to that amazing artist, sorry for not crediting and if anyone finds the artist you have my thanks.

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