Chapter One

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Coras POV
"Cora! Wake up!" I heard someone yell from my side

I quickly shot open my eyes to see my little sister Delilah standing there. "Delilah! What the heck?" I questioned, trying not to curse because she was only eight.

"Ugh Cora, you can say hell. I don't care." She shot back at me, making my eyes widen. "I- alright" I answered, shaking my head and getting out of my bed.

"What's so important that you had to wake me up at 9:00" I asked the younger girl. "Dad said we had to go get school supplies." "But school isn't starting for another week." "I know but he said that he wants us to be ready." She explained.

"Oh dad" I chuckled, "always ahead of the game." Delilah laughed and walked out of my room. "We're leaving at 10:00 so be ready" she quickly said, shooting her head back into my room. I nodded to her as I started to get dressed.

I picked out some Jean shorts and a pale yellow shirt to wear and walked into the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and hair, putting it into a high ponytail.

Makeup today? I thought to myself, looking at the collection I had built over the years. I shrugged and started to put on some mascara.

Delilah walked in, wanting to brush her teeth, only for her to roll her eyes at me and walk out. "I'll be out in a second!" I shouted to her.

I looked in the mirror one more time before allowing Delilah to use the bathroom.

I walked back into my room and decided I wanted to sit out on my balcony. I wanted to soak up the sun as long as possible before it got cold again. I sat down on one of the chairs on the balcony and opened up the book I had been reading. "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." I was halfway through the book when I heard a car door slam below me. I peaked my head out of my book and saw a moving truck and a family with boxes in their hands.

As I watched them get all their boxes out of the van, one of the boys caught my eye. He looked around my age and had dirty brown hair and gorgeous light blue eyes.

Who knew that someone so cute could live here? I thought to myself, staring at him. After a couple of seconds he looked up to me, meeting my eyesight and smiling. Wow he was cute.

Jonathan's POV
When we finally made it to our new house I was the first out of the car, wanting to get everything in my new room as soon as possible.

Once I finished putting my boxes away I noticed a girl sitting on a balcony of the house next to ours. She had straight, dark brown hair with light sage eyes.

I looked up to her and smiled, she smiled back, only to turn back to her book.

Having a girl like that next door is going to be make this move a lot easier.

Coras POV
"Cora, we're leaving now come on." Delilah told me, walking onto my balcony. "Ok" I answered as I walked inside, still thinking about the boy I just saw.

All of the sudden living here didn't seem that bad.

Just The Two Of Us - Jonathan Brandis Where stories live. Discover now