Chapter Four

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Coras POV
I woke up at 10:00 that day leaving me only two hours to get everything ready. I had a list of food that I had to get for tonight so I quickly cleaned up my room, got dressed, brushed my hair and teeth and ran out. I had chosen some sweatpants and a t shirt just so I could be comfortable. My dad had left for work so I hopped on my bike and biked to the food store.

While I was getting the food, I ran into my friend Lola who offered to help me with everything. I thanked her as we went up to pay.

"So are you excited for tonight?" The girl asked me

"Yes I love when we all have sleepovers together, especially with the guys." I replied, handing the cashier my money and walking out of the store.

"I can't wait. I'll see you later Cora" Lola said as we separated her walking to Staceys house. Her and Stacey were always close so when Lolas parents died, she moved in with Stacey and her parents.

"Bye Lola" I replied to her, placing my bags in my bike basket and pedaling off

                                                                                          ¥  Jump to 12:00  ¥

I heard the doorbell ring and opened the door to see Maya standing there. I greeted her in and we walked into my room.

"Sooooo" she dragged out, "when's Jonathan getting here" she finished wagging her eyebrows

I rolled my eyes and answered her "he'll be here any minute" she nodded and collapsed on my bed. We heard the doorbell again, making Maya jump up and sprint into my bathroom.

"Woah what are you doing?" I asked her, leaning on the bathrooms door frame.

"You said he was 9 out of Leonard DiCaprio! I have to look my best. He might like you but I'm still gonna try." She quickly answered, making me laugh as I walked to our front door.

"Jonathan hey!" I said, ushering the boy into my house "I'm glad you came!"

He smiled at me and walked up to my room. Maya poked her head out of the bathroom now having mascara, highlighter, and lip gloss on.

"I'll be there in a sec" I forced through a fake smile at Jonathan, pushing open the bathroom door.

Jonathan was confused but didn't say anything. He just stood there awkwardly in Coras room, looking down at his feet. He had gotten her this little ring but bailed on giving it to her, feeling that it was too soon and it would be weird.

In the bathroom, things were even more weird.

"Dude did you curl your hair?" I questioned, holding a piece of mayas golden brown hair in my hand.

"Yeah" she smiled sheepishly, her brown eyes darting around the room

"Your beautiful anyway may, just be yourself, he'll love you. Probably even more than Staceys gonna love him."

She smiled at me as we both walked out of the room.

Jonathan turned around and looked at both of the girls. He couldn't lie, the girl beside Cora was beautiful. Gorgeous even. But nobody could compare to Cora. He introduced himself to girl named Maya. The three all sat in Coras room, having a great time. Finally the rest of the group came and they all sat in Coras room, looking at Jonathan.

"Cor who this?" Jack questioned me, glancing over at Jonathan

"Oh right. Everyone this is Jonathan. He moved in yesterday next door and is going to be going to our school" I explained, as everyone smiled at him. Well almost everyone. Jack just stared.

Jack had a crush on me for a couple of years but when he asked me out I told him I didn't think about him that way. He said it was fine but the way he looked at Jonathan said otherwise.

"Hi" Jonathan said, giving everyone a small smile. It turned into a laugh when he saw Stacey staring at him we wide eyes.

Stacey quickly grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear: "does he have a girlfriend?"

I frowned at the thought of Stacey and Jonathan dating but I know I couldn't keep him to myself. After all, it's not like we were dating.

I plastered on a fake smile and whispered back: "nope, go for it"

She gave me a quick smile before returning to the conversation.

Even though I tried my best to may attention to everyone's words I couldn't help but feel a little sick.

"Guys I'll be back in a minute, I gotta use the bathroom." I told everyone, getting up and walking away. Nobody seemed to notice except Maya and Jonathan who both gave me a worried look. I ignored their looks and closed the bathroom door.

I looked in the mirror with tears springing in my eyes. I wasn't crying because of Jonathan it was more about how I would never be with Jonathan.

Why'd I think I had a chance with him? I mean Staceys the embodiment of the perfect girl. She has straight, long blonde hair with icey blue eyes, a perfect nose and an amazing personality. What did I have? Freckles and green eyes. And I know Jonathan said I was beautiful but that's before he even saw Maya, Lola, and stacey. And what about school? He hadn't even seen half the girls in this town yet and I already knew I had no chance. I guess I never really had a chance.

I finally let the tears slip out and rested my head on my bathroom wall, sliding down into a crouched position. I heard a knock on the door so I quickly wiped my tears and opened the door to reveal Maya and Jonathan. Great.

"Are you ok Cora?" Jonathan asked me "you've been in here for a while."

I just nodded because I knew if I said anything, I would just start to cry again.

"Jonathan you go back I need to talk to Cora alone" Maya told the boy who nodded and walked back to my room.

Maya shut the door behind her and stared directly at me. I stared back, trying not to break.

"Cora.." before she could say anything I started to sob into her shoulder. She brought me into a hug before we both sat on my bathtubs ledge.

"Maya I like him a lot" I said to the taller girl, stifling my sobs to make sure no one else heard me. "But I'm just not pretty enough"

Maya looked at me with wide eyes before grabbing my hand.

"Corba, your the most beautiful girl in the world and if Jonathan doesn't realize that then it's on him." She told me before bringing me back into a hug. "Now come on. We have friends to get back too" she stated, as we both got up.

I took a few deep breaths before I walked out, feeling a lot better.

Just The Two Of Us - Jonathan Brandis Where stories live. Discover now