Maya and Michelle

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Third Person POV

Maya was nervous, there was no denying it. She and Michelle were about to attend prom together.

Now she knew that no one would pour pigs blood on them but of course she was nervous. Her friends had been supportive but that didn't mean everyone would be.

She examined her red, knee length dress and her wavy brown hair that was in a bun in the mirror when her telephone began to ring.

"Hello?" She said "May are you almost ready?" Michelle's voice rang through the phone. "Yeah yeah I'll be there in one second" "Ok!"

And with that the Latino was out of the door to see her girlfriend is a sequence black, floor length dress.

"Here" Michelle smiled, putting a rose corsage onto Mayas wrist.

"Aww Mich it's beautiful" the brown haired girl replied, giving the black haired girl a kiss on the cheek before getting into Michelle's car and driving to prom.


The couple arrived to see the rest of their friends all waiting for them at the entrance to their high school.

"Maya! Michelle! You look great!" Cora smiled, running over to them, her pale pink dress flying behind her.

"Thanks cor" Maya replied, pulling her best friend into a hug

"Now let's go party!" Faith cheered as the group all walked into the party.


The group had been at the prom for about two hours and the prom king and queen were about to get crowned.

"Our king is....Jonathan Brandis!!" The principal shouted to the students and everyone cheered for their friend.

"And our queen is...Maya Sanchez!!"

Maya couldn't believe what she was hearing. She had won?

"May go!!" Cora whispered to the brown haired girl, pushing her to the stage steps.

She got on stage, getting the crown and standing next to Jonathan with a smile.

Until your run-of-the-mill douchebag ran on stage and grabbed the microphone from the principal.

"This girl doesn't deserve to win" he shouted to the students "she doesn't even like boys!"

The crowd went silent until Maya did something that would go down in student history.

"I like girls and boys you dick!" She shouted, punching the boy is the face and kicking him in the gut, making him fall off of the stage.

The crowd stayed silent for a second before all of Jonathan's and mayas friends started cheering, creating a ripple effect to the rest of the students.

"Badass" Jonathan whispered to Maya as they stood on the stage and got their picture taken.

"Very" Maya replied, flashing a smile to the photographer as Michelle came onto the stage, kissing Maya in front of everyone.

Just The Two Of Us - Jonathan Brandis Where stories live. Discover now