Lola and Luke

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Lolas Birthday

Third Person POV

The group gathered around Lolas cake as they sang to the newly 17 year old girl with red hair.

"Happy birthday Lola!!" Everyone shouted to her as she blew out her candles.

"Finally cake time!" Michelle cheered as Faith started cutting up the cake.


It was now 6:00 o'clock and almost everyone had left from Stacey and Lolas. Everyone except Luke.

He had sat there all night trying to work up the courage to ask out the girl he had liked for years but couldn't muster up the words.

"Hey Luke." Lola said all of the sudden "I was wondering if you wanted to go on a picnic next Saturday around 5:00?"

The blonde boy almost fainted, Lola had asked him out!

"Uh-uh yeah" he finally answered "yeah I would really like that"

"Awesome" the red-head smiled, kissing the cheek of the boy she had also always liked.

Luke's cheeks went bright red as he waved goodbye mindlessly, walking out of Lolas house.

¥ Saturday ¥

"Lola you look great!" Stacey smiled at her best friend who was wearing a flowy, light green dress.

"Thanks stace" Lola smiled, walking out of the front door "I'll see you later!"

Lola arrived at the garden where they planned to have the picnic, and started setting up.

She first laid down a blue checkered table cloth and loaded on all of the food she had made.

"Hey Lola" Luke said, coming out of nowhere, making the girl jump.

"Oh you scared me" the ginger giggled as the blonde sat down "here, I made pasta salad!"

"Did your mom help you?" Luke asked, loading some of the pasta on his paper plate.

"Of course" she replied, pouring some lemonade

"Oh good mama g knows how to cook" Luke laughed making Lola laugh too.

"Come on let's eat!" Lola cheered as her date and her started to dig in.

¥ 7:00 pm ¥

"This was really fun" Luke smiled at the girl as they walked onto Staceys front porch

"Yeah, I'm really glad we did this" Lola smiled back, looking into the boys eyes.

Before they both knew it, Luke leaned in as did Lola. They kissed for a few seconds before pulling back and blushing immensely.

"Night Luke" Lola smiled, before giving the boy one last kiss on the cheek and walking into her house.  

"So!" Stacey yelled, waiting right at the front door "how was it?!"

"It was everything I hoped it would be" Lola smiled dreamily, walking into her room.

"So vague" Stacey chuckled, happy that her best friend had finally had gotten the guts to ask out the boy of her dreams.

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